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What I think , as if you cared .

~~ A Few Of My Thoughts & Oppinions ~~

If you disagree with what I think , I don't care 'cause thats just the way I am and I can't change . Go ahead and Gripe and Whine about everything I have said it dosen't bother me .No-dosen't-bother-me-one-single-bit . Ok Im crying now because I know you all hate me , I KNOW YOU HATE ME !!!! do not try to deny it I know you ,. thats exactly what your thinking !!!!I hate this world its so unfair !!!! Oh What A World , What A Would . There's no place like home , theres no place like home , theres nno place like home and you were there , and you were there and EVEN YOU were there , Im melting , oh the humantiy, No MOM not the PILLS no, No please no no no please I'm not gona swammlowf NO!! Ok , Thats better , So where was I ,,,,,,,,,


