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The Incessant Ramblings of Rufus and the Turks

Ramble for: July 31st, 1998

Jen: For some reason, I have allowed Rufus and the Turks their very own page to rant and rave on. *smacks herself in the head* I must have been on something when I agreed to this!

Reno: *snickers* It was those beers I mixed in with your tea.

Jen: What?! I thought it tasted funny! *runs after Reno with a big stick*

Reno: Rude!!! Save me!!!

Rude: Sorry, Reno. You got yourself into this mess. It wasn't me. I didn't even want to have tons of people reading my every thought and...*gulp*

Rufus: *sighing* Can we get to the real reason we are here? *waits, but gets no response since Jen is wildly chasing Reno and Rude is holding his head muttering*

Rufus: *shoots his double barreled shotgun at the ceiling* Now?

Jen, Rude, Reno: Ahhhhh!!!!

Elena: Do I get to do the quote of the day?

Jen: *holding Reno in a headlock and hoping his face turns as red as his hair* Sure! Reno's kinda busy right now.

Elena: Okay, todays quote is..."Don't count your chocobos before they hatch."

Reno: *gasping* What-kinda-lame-quote-is-that?!

Elena: *pouts* You are sooo mean Reno-san! I'm never talking to you again!

Tseng: Ahhh, Jen? You may want to let go of Reno before you kill him.

Jen: *reluctanly letting go of Reno* Ummm-yeah-I...uh wasn't going to kill him or anything. I just wanted to teach him a lesson.

Sephiroth: Hey all!

Jen, Rufus, Tseng, Reno, Rude, Elena: Sephiroth?!

Sephiroth: Yeah. I thought I'd grace your humble little page with my presence.

Jen: *shrugs* Why not. Rufus and the Turks are doing a lame job so far.

Rufus and the Turks: HEY!!!

Sephiroth: *smirks* Ha ha ha! Let a pro show you how it's done.

Elena: Reno! This is all your fault! If you wouldn't have put beer in her tea...*chases Reno out of the room*

Rude: *stares after Reno* I'm going to get a drink. See you tomorow.

Rufus: Morons. Well, I guess I'm going too.

Tseng: I follow the President.

Jen: Well, Seph, looks like it's just you and me.

Sephiroth: Hmm...whatever shall we do? I know! *snaps fingers*

Cloud: Huh? Where am I?

Sephiroth: Slave, get Jen and I something to drink. Oh, and while your at it, get us some recliners. Oh, and a wide-screen television with a satelite and-

Jen: Ahhh, Seph? Don't you think that's a bit much?

Sephiroth: Yeah, maybe you're right. Just bring us a sofa instead of two recliners.

Jen: *sighs* Well, this didn't quite turn out right. I promise it'll be better organized tomorow. That is if I let those poor excuses for announcers come back.

Sephiroth:....and I want...

