The Ark Of The Covenant

"Door Way To GOD"

By Naomi Adams


When I read and study my Bible I stand in awe to think how God prepared the CHILDREN of ISRAEL to come out from among the Egyptians; so HE could make ready a people to worship HIM. Even though GOD had the plan in HIS mind before the foundation of the world. The CHILDREN of ISRAEL and Moses were not completely sure how GOD would bring it all about.All they understood was that GOD wanted them to serve and worship HIM. In this respect there is no difference between them and us today,for they thought their way to worship GOD was better than HIS way.GOD was not pleased with that generation; nor is HE pleased with our generation today, when we think we can worship our way. I wonder what some of the CHILDREN of ISRAEL thought when Moses told them how GOD wanted them to worship HIM.

The Bible speaks of: the murmuring and complaining of the CHILDREN of ISRAEL when they were in the WILDERNESS of SINAI because they had no food or water [EXODUS16:1-36]. I also wonder what their thoughts were,regarding all the blood sacrifices. I think what an awesome way to show your worship to your GOD by shedding all that blood and having to sprinkling it over certain items for GOD to be pleased with your worship of HIM.

After reading and studying the BIBLE; I learned that GOD said in [HEBREWS 9:22] "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without the shedding of blood is no remission:. And in [MATTHEW 26:28] JESUS said " For this is my blood of the new testament,which is shed for many the remission of sins".

When we read the OLD TESTAMENT worship and don't look ahead at the NEW TESTAMENT; we will miss the whole purpose of why GOD instructed Moses, as how to build the TABERNACLE and the ARK of the COVENANT ; with the precise measurements; plus what FURNISHINGS to put in it.
The first covenant had ordinances of divine services and a worldly sanctuary [HEBREWS 9:1]. While the original TABERNACLE was in HEAVEN. The earthly TABERNACLE was a pattern or a shadow of the HEAVENLY TABERNACLE [HEBREWS 8:5]. The HEAVENLY TABERNACLE was purged with the blood of CHRIST much more precious than blood of goats or calves [HEBREWS 9:1-28 ]. The earthly TABERNACLE ordinances of divine services were a type or a shadow of our LORD JESUS CHRIST'S sacrifice that He would finish on the CROSS for all humanity.

When the CHILDREN of ISRAEL performed the the divine services and ordinances they by FAITH looked towards the cross. The TABERNACLE and the ARK of the COVENANT showed the LORD JESUS CHRIST'S sacrifice for the sin of all men.

As the CHILDREN of ISRAEL stumbled at the CORNERDTONE and missed the real concept of what the TABERNACLE ordinances and sacrifices were all about,the same holds true today for our generation. There is no way you can separate the OLD TESTAMENT from the New TESTAMENT and have the right image of the glorious gospel plan of GOD .
Moses had to follow the instructions that GOD gave him even down to the very colors. Each piece of furniture had to be measured and placed in it's proper place inside and outside the TABERNACLE. Moses was given instructions as to which Tribe GOD had chosen to do the sacrifices and the work inside and outside. The LIVEITE TRIBE that Aaron and Moses belonged to were chosen by GOD to preform the work, with Aaron as the High - Priest and the rest would do their duties as Moses commanded them.

The first time the TABERNACLE and the ARK of the COVENANT are mentioned in the Bible is in [EXODUS chapters 25-31] when GOD gave Moses the pattern and instructions for building and setting it up. The TABERNACLE of the congregation; and the ARK of the COVENANT were assembled and ready for worship on the first [1st.] day of the first [1st.] month of Nisan; in the second [2nd.]year after their EXODUS from Egypt [EXODUS 40:1-38].

God placed HIS cloud over the TABERNACLE by day and a fire by night in the sight of all Israel. And HE showed HIS approval by filling the TABERNACLE with the glory of the LORD so much that Moses could not enter the TENT [EXODUS1-38]. All through the journey of the TABERNACLE the cloud stayed over it by day and the fire by night. The glory of the LORD filled the TABERNACLE until they reached the land of CANAAN where years later GOD removed HIS presents and glory from being over the TABERNACLE.

More about the TABERNACLE of the Congregation and the ARK of the COVENANT are just a click away.

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