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I'm not from Tennessee. Yeah, I'm disapointed, too.

Hi, and welcome to my lame ole page of me. Yes, it is short, but the main reason for this page is to give you links to my other pages. So, on the other frame are all the links to my pages, and the officail pages of some of my favorite bands. : )

I want to take a second to complain about the Angelfire server if I can. The first page I made on Angelfire was great, but as I keep on making more pages the service has gotten worse. Like on this page, I used the same HTML as on my BeagleHound page, but the MIDI and grafic only show up on about 25% of peoples computers. Also, if you go to my favorites page, you'll probably just see white and black, but I put a background and colors on it. I dont know what is going on at Angelfire, but PLEASE get your sevice back to how it originally was.

Any one one AOL, my instant messenger name is isuzuhound. Also, any ICQers, my UIN is 14264398, and in the authorization request, put you found my number through my page. : )

[The Bass Tab Archive]