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Monte's Wheel of Time Page

My Chat Room. Watch out for the aliens. Just ask Eric Cartman!
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Its my message board. WOW. Go to it now or I will be forced to send 1000 flying monkeys to kill you!
WoTs Up news.
WoT choose your own adventure!
Short Stories

Hi. My name is Monte Elliott and I am a graduate of Roane County High School, in Kingston, TN. I'm am currently serving in the United States Air Force. I started reading WoT when I was in 6th grade, and I've been doing it ever since. If you have any good theories or any questions about WoT, just go to my message board, and uh, post a message. Got it? Good . My address is at the bottom of the page if you wanna email me. Hey people, I don't know if you like my sight, or what you like or dislike about it if you don't email me. So do it. NOW. And sign my guestbook. Its at the bottom too.

In case you don't know what Wot is (and you should if you are even here), it is a series of books that are written by Robert Jordan. The first one , The Eye of The World, was published in 1990. It has been followed by The Great Hunt, The Dragon Reborn, The Shadow Rising, The Fires of Heaven, Lord of Chaos, and A Crown of Swords, The Path of Daggers, and book 9, Winter's Heart was recently released.

If you like the music, thank Alzhiem, cuz it came from his site. There's a link to his site on my link list. Check it out!

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