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The New Cybersquad

“Power Rangers: Twilight Generation crossover.”

Part I

“Will finally gets his wish.”

By Lucas Harrell

“All right,” I said, “Let’s go.” We ran off into different directions. The Q-Zar game marshal was around the corner. While Lucas, Bea, and Will stayed behind to guard the base, Cheryl and I went on the offensive, along with most of the rest of our team.

“Let’s hit them hard and fast,” Cheryl said, “Go in, take out any defenders, hit their base, and get out as quickly as we came in, right?”

“That’s right,” I said.

We could hear laser fire on our team’s end of the arena. A few minutes later, we took their base. Cheryl and I took turns hitting it once and left. We went back to base and found that no one on the other team had hit it, though Lucas, Bea, and Will were the only ones left on defense. All of the others were recharging.

“Good work guys,” I yelled across the arena. They were taking one corner, while we were taking the other. Those three switched with three others to go hit the other base. A few minutes later, the base siren went off on the other side of the arena. I looked at Cheryl. While we had broken up a few days ago, I still had feelings for her.

“I’m sorry, T.J.,” she had said then, “I’ve met another guy.”

“What about us?” I had asked her, “I thought you loved me.”

“I do,” she had said, near tears. “But I realized that what we once had was lost. I still love you, but only as a friend. Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course I can,” I had said, “It’s not your fault you met someone that could probably treat you a lot better. I mean, we’ve never gone on a date, other than those two dances. No going to the movies, no make out sessions, or anything like that.”


“Forever,” I had replied, giving her a hug.

‘What would you think if I told you I was still in love with you?’ I mused in the present.

A few minutes later, the game was over. So was the lock in. We were all exhausted. Lucas’s mom picked us all up and dropped us off at our houses. After a nice, relaxing bath, I got into bed and fell asleep very quickly.

Later on that day, we were in cyberspace, tearing apart the newest virus and gang of gigamites. Just a few minutes later, they were all cyber dust. When we left, we all went to Lucas’s house.

We were sitting around talking when a big vortex appeared. It was silver, red, white, and a few other colors. Someone jumped out of it.

“Feril,” Will cried as he ran forward to hug the person.

“Hi Will,” Feril said, returning the hug and kissing him afterwards. “I can’t believe I found you. It’s been... what?”

“About a month,” Will said, “It’s so good to see you. Feril, these are my new friends. This is Bea, Lucas, T.J., and Cheryl.” He pointed to each of us in turn. “Gang, this is Feril.”

“Nice to finally meet you Feril,” Bea said, “Will’s told me so much about you, I feel like I know you already.”

“Thank you Bea,” Feril said, “I really wish I could’ve found the others, but I’m glad I found you first, Will.” For the first time since he came here, that I know of, Will blushed.

Lucas was sitting on the bed, open mouthed and staring at Feril.

Bea nudged him. “Strange to see your Spider Ranger in real life, isn’t it?” she asked teasingly.

Feril turned towards Bea. “Excuse me?”

“I forgot that you have good hearing, being half elf,” Bea said.

“Give me a minute, Feril,” Will said, “And I’ll explain.”

“All right,” she said. Bea motioned to the seats in the room and Feril sat down. “Go ahead.”

Will went on to explain that Lucas had written fanfics about the two of them and the rest of the team.

“Okay,” Feril said, “So, have you planned to explain how I literally couldn’t tell the team who I was before Will figured it out on his own, and what happened to him after he did find out?”

“As always,” Lucas said, “I’m planning on revealing that the armor is sentient. That sentience is evil, and that’s where the curse comes from. It awakens every few times you morph and take you over. It literally kept you from talking when you were about to tell the others who you were. And it used your telekinesis to force Will to be unconscious when he found you out.”


“I never planned this,” Lucas said, “Would you mind telling me about your adventures so far, so I can put them in future fanfics?”

“Sure, but one question,” Feril said. Lucas nodded. “How did you get the idea for our team?”

Lucas sighed. “There are a lot of fanfics on the net about the Power Rangers,” he said, “I wanted to do something original with my original lineup for the team, so I had you all, except for Feril, be the grandchildren, and great-grandson in Shawn’s case, of the original team. Turns out that it wasn’t as original as I thought, so I created your character and powers, Feril. Actually, I had already made the character, so I just had to create the powers. I basically fashioned them after Spider man, a comic book, except with Ranger powers and weapons, the laser and web cannons and ElectroLight Saber in other words.

“What about Justin?”

“I was still hard pressed to be even more original,” Lucas said, “So I created Ares, Ranger of War. Actually, he was originally going to be X-O, Ranger of War, but someone pointed out to me that I might get into trouble using that name. Since I had not gone wrong yet using Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology, I just named him after Ares, Greek god of war. And I got Justin’s name from the show. I didn’t put a last name to run along with the X-O Man of War main character, Aric. I was thinking about putting a last name eventually, just for the heck of it.

“I bet you’re also wondering where in the world did I come up with the idea about Ashley,” Lucas said. Feril and Will both nodded. “When I was writing a fanfic for a new friend of mine, one called ‘All Golden Things...’ I wanted to something really awesome, so I made Dulcea almost fully human to go back to earth. I got the name Rogers from a comic book character Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers. I just took her from there and added her onto the team roster.”

“As for your zords,” he said, “My friend, the one I wrote the aforementioned fanfic for, gave me some suggestions to use for zords, but I wanted to do something more original, something I created. I’m good in Greek and Roman mythology, particularly the former, so I created the zords along those lines, and using the comic book character Thor for Tom’s zord, since Thor was Norse. Since your powers were based on water, Will, I made your zord Poseidon, Greek god of the sea. Kat’s zord is Cupid, Greek god of love. Tanya’s, Apollo, Greek god of the sun. Adam’s, Pluto, Roman god of the Hades. Ashley’s, Hephaestos, Greek god of the forge. Shawn’s, Hurricanis, the lone wolf zord, meaning that it has no relation to any of the three mythologies, not just because its a wolf. Justin’s zord is his armor, while I haven’t thought of one for you yet, Feril.”

Feril sighed. “I guess I shouldn’t have one,” she said, “My powers just as easily make me fight the others, and there’s no telling what damage I could do if they were given access to a zord.”

“Actually,” Lucas said, “I was going to find a way later on beating that curse. I’m working on a fanfic that, by the time its over, you’ll be free of the curse forever and still have your powers, so I wouldn’t give up so soon. And I’m not planning on it turning you evil until right before the time you’ll be free.”

“Can I see that fanfic?” Feril asked.

“Sorry,” Lucas said, “I don’t like to show anyone my fanfics until I’m done. If it’s a two or three parter, all two or three parts have to be done before anyone sees any of the parts. Besides I haven’t really started on it. It’s still up here.” He tapped his head.

“It’s okay,” Feril said, “So, how did you get the idea for what I heard happened to Kat right before I showed up? And are you planning on telling about how that shadow wight had gotten a hold of her in the first place?”

“Of course I’m planning on that,” Lucas said, “All in due time. Probably in the first fanfic spotlighting Kat when you get back to their reality. It’ll probably have something to do with the day her stepfather nearly killed her. El Dominos wasn’t awake then, but that doesn’t mean some of his minions weren’t. As for why I did that, I wanted to start the war between your team and El Dominos with a bang, if you’ll pardon the expression.”

“Whoa, cool,” Will said, “Maybe you should wrap up that loose end too. About her stepfather.”

“Who knows,” Lucas said, “I probably will, eventually. I’m just taking it one step at a time. I’ll put this part of your adventure, with the exception of our little team here, and go from there.”

“Your little team?” Feril inquired, “What do you mean?”

“They’re this timeline’s protectors,” Will said, “Except while we’re called Power Rangers, they’re the Superhuman Samurai Cybersquad.”

“Or Cybersquad, for short,” Bea said, “Our villain is called Gigatron. His form of shadow warriors are called gigamites. He sends them and virus monsters into computers and such from cyberspace. We stop them from doing irreparable damage.”

“Awesome,” Feril said, “Well, my slider’s power supply is gone, so I guess I’m stuck here for a while. At least I’m stuck with you, Will. Where am I going to stay?”

“At my house,” Bea said, “My parents never noticed Will living with us, so there’s no way they’ll notice two people.”

“I don’t want to be a bother,” Feril said.

“The only way you’d be a bother, Feril,” Cheryl finally interjected, “Is to turn down Bea’s offer. We’ll get you set up in school Monday, and take you out when it’s time for you two to leave.”

“Right,” Feril said.

“And I’ve got a surprise for you all,” Samurai-1 said.

“Did that computer just talk?” Feril asked.

“It’s just like Alpha talking to us,” Will assured her.

“With our new friends,” Samurai-1 said, “Come new allies in our fight aganst Gigatron, if they’re willing. Cyberspace is this timeline’s morphing grid. Their powers are tied to it, just like they are to their grid in Will’s reality. Will, your designation is Dataflood Feril, your designation is Spider. T.J. can make your weapons. Do you accept?”

“Of course,” Feril said.

“I’ve been waiting to be an active part in this,” Will said, “You guys have been having all of the fun. Now it’s my turn. I wonder if I’m rusty.”

“Cybersquad members, old and new,” Samurai-1 said, “There will be time for initiation of our two newest members later. Gigatron has sent a virus monster and a bunch of gigamites to cyber sector twenty eight.”

“Right,” Lucas said, “Get ready to pull Will and Feril in with us. Let’s go, guys.” He hit the main key on his wrist computer. “Uplink: Servo.”

“Uplink: Spryte.”

“Uplink: Tinkerer.”

“Uplink: ‘Smith.” All of us, including Will and Feril, were digitized. Will’s armor was blue color, while Feril’s was a wild assortment of colors, even more so than Servo’s.

They all went flying through a tube marked twenty eight and ended up in the same "room" as the virus monster and gigamites. They used the expansion program and grew.

“Dataflood, Spider, Tinkerer, take the gigamites,” Servo said, “’Smith, Spryte, and I will take care of the virus monster.” They all nodded agreement and tore into their designated enemy.

“There’s six now?” Jackie demanded. “When did this happen? Who are those two new ones?”

“When they joined is unknown,” Gigatron said, “They’re known as Dataflood and Spider. And yes, there are six now.”

We tore apart the enemy quickly. “Let’s go home,” I said.

“Download.” We all spiraled out and appeared back in Lucas’s room. Feril was eyeing her wrist computer carefully.

“They’re morphers in a way,” Will explained, “When you hear a kind of weird chirping noise from it, hit this button right here...” He showed her the communications button. “... And you can talk to whoever is calling you, whether its Samurai-1 or any one one of us.” He showed her the main key. “To digitize, or morph as we know it, hit this and say ‘Uplink: Spider.’ To come back to reality, simply say download.”

“Right,” Feril said.

“Now,” I said, “What kind of weapons would you two like? One at a time, so I can do a quick sketch right now.”

“A trident,” Will said. I nodded and went to work. When I was done, I had made an elaborately drawn trident weapon.

“This good?”

“It’s great,” Will said. I scanned it into Lucas’s computer, put it to floppy, and then Will put it into his wrist communicator for storage. Once it was done, I turned to Feril.

“And what would you like, miss Grimwulf?”

“Please, call me Feril,” she said, “Two small, wrist mounted cannons that can shoot lasers or webbing, depending on what I set it on.”

“Right,” I said as I went to work. A few minutes later... “How’s that?”

“That would be wonderful,” Feril said. By the time we were done getting her weapon scanned, Cheryl made the basic circuitry for it, Bea redesigned the costume so that the weapons were built into the wrist, and stored them on Feril’s wrist computer it was late, so we all went to our different houses, using cyberspace.

Part II
