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Various Dismukes Family Records
This page last updated: 10/22/2006
The following information is the property of Jackie Uhles and may NOT be used for profit or gain and may NOT be reproduced without her written consent.

Message From: xx, submitter.
Date: Tue, Jul 20, 1999
Subject: Dismukes
The following information was emailed to me by Jackie Uhles descendent of Mollie Dismukes-dau. of George W. Dismukes and is credited to her and her research of the Dismukes family lineage. Many thanks to her for her help and kindness in allowing me to post the following to my website. Please do not abuse the kindness of Jackie by reproducing the information for your personal gain or profit. The info is here to help others in their Dismukes research only. Many thanks, Anita Sue

("George W. arrived in Grayson Co. Texas some time in 1870, he is not on the census for l870, but paid tax there in 1871.")
("He had to come from Miss. because Mollie was born there in l858. Gaston Barbee was born in l854 in North Carolina and then Elisha Romulus was born in l856, and Mollie in l858. Then he joined the Cavlary and served for 4 years.")
("I found the other wife in Caroll Co. Tenn in l867, Agnes Hannah, this was about the time his parents both died and I imagine he was home to burie them. Caroll Co. is right next to Madison Co. where they lived. I assumed she died before l870 because she is not on the census in l870 in Caroll Co. Tenn.")
("George married Mary Kimbrough in Grayson Co. Texas on the 19th of February 1874. Mary had one son with George named Sidney Born April 11, l875.")

("Mary died before l880 and George and Sidney are living with Gaston and Sara along with Georges other son E. R. Mollie has married James Merritt Randol on Jan 26, l876 and moved from Grayson Co. to Cook Co. (Right next door) and Sidney was born in Cook Co. so George must have moved there to be close to Mollie.")

("Sidney married Carrie Duke on the 1st day of March l899 in Grayson Co. Texas. Sidney moved around a lot and finally settled right here in Sulphur and raised his family".)

("Court record where George W. is made guardian to Mary Kimbrough's mess of kids.")
"KIMBROUGH, GEORGE D. Deceased, Filed 30 January l875. Guardianship Bond. George W. Desmuker, guardiand of the following children (Minors)."
"Lillie aged 5, Montgomery aged 13, William aged 15, Mamie aged l0, Longstreet aged 12, Maud aged 7, Cludia (no age given). Mary their mother married George W. Desmuker."

("I didn't find any reference to what happened to these children. There is an uncle living there so I assumed he took them.")

Census for l880
Dist 7 Grayson Co. Texas
Dismukes, Gaston B. 26
--Sarah     20
---W. W.       1 son
----E. R.Romulus 22 Brother
----George W.   62 father
----Sidney       5 Brother

1900 Indian Territory Seminole Nation
Vo. 17, Ed 72 Sheet2
Dismukes, Gaston B. 44 NC Tenn Nc
--Sarah F.   40 Tx   Nc Mo
----George W. 78 Tenn NC NCd
---Gaston B. Jr. 17 Tx NC Tx
---Cleveland H. 15
---Joseph J.     13
---George M.     10
---Adelia       8
---Rutelia       6

("Records on Carrie Dukes family. The children of Sidney and Carrie are as follows"):
Albert M. Louise English
Alton m. Catherine
Clyde m. Kate Parks
Forest m. Marie Vaught
Harrison B. Dec 1, 1912, m. Ruth Runnels June 30, l934, Harrison died Sept, l980.

("Here is the Census of Sarah in l920, which shows that my grandmother Edna Rogers and my father Jack were living with Sarah.")

1920 Vol 58, Ed 162 Sheet 8, Line 74
115 W. 13th St Ada, Oklahoma
Dismukes, Sarah F.   59 Texas
-George M.   30 Okla son
-Florence L. 22 Okla daug in law
-Telie F.,   2 3/12 Okla Grand Daug
-James M.   8/12   Okla Grand son
--Elisha R.   63   NC   Brother in law (*NC is wrong Born in Miss).
---Rogers, Edna     36   Tx Niece
---Jack     16   Okla Grand Nephew
("This is the only proof I have that Edna was a niece if Gaston Barbee.")

(*Areas in qoutes are notes of Jackie Uhles.)

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