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1870 Census Record for Henry Battle

Battle, Henry 53 yrs. old male white Farmer 500(value of real estate)
150(value of personal property) TN(birthplace) could not read or write US citizen Battle, Ellen 42 yrs. old female white keeps house TN(birthplace)
Battle, Mary 23 yrs. old female white at home TN(birthplace)
Battle, Paralina 20 yrs. old female white at home TN(birthplace)
Battle, Adaline 18 yrs. old female white at home TN(birthplace)
Battle, Felix 16 yrs. old male white at school TN(birthplace)
Battle, Nancy 14 yrs. old female white at school TN(birthplace)
Battle, Thomas 12 yrs. old male white at school TN(birthplace)
Battle, Paralee 11 yrs. old female white at school TN(birthplace)
Battle, Christenia 3 yrs. old female white at home TN(birthplace)
Battle, John A. 1yr. old male white at home TN(birthplace)

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