JL McGoodwin, Haunted

Multi-hued rainbow ghosties
cerise on cellulose-induced chartreuse
floating stripes of bengalese night
--a moon straight from zebra zipped moors
on fire with evening breeze
cloudy, with ice, hinted at in tainted cube tray delights
Iced tea with the dead.
on my back, gaping at holes gaping back
illuminating, ruminating, luminent memory,
lemonade remnant, memorabilia somnolent, omnipotent ophelia,
magnolia potent, angola torrent, pulled over my head
And thrown to winter clothes drawers
Passing through the shadow on my wall
into the forelimbs of mucky brown wood
magnetic to light--if fright bends that way,
it reflects magnified in a particle theory cursed locally, and perhaps farther.
The ambience came in through the holes in the screen door.
Glowing spectral experiments in laser effrontery
linger beyond the footstool, waiting for believers,
but it is time for some light music, and I am reading.

Issue 20:
Thanatopsis is Dirty
JL McGoodwin, Haunted
"I was the shadow--"
Nice Kitty
deft exits unwelcome
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