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We use themes in the classroom to get the kids excited and to make our lessons more relevant to them for better retention.
Themes are usually social studies- or science-based, but lessons in every subject are related to the theme of the week.

We teach reading through a combination of the whole-language and phonics approaches. We expose children to reading and language through reading aloud, labeling all around the room, and use of sight words, which you can see on our "Word Wall." We also teach letter and letter combination sounds, and encourage phonetic spelling in the children's writing.

Our writing program is centered around our "Writing Workshop," which we do nearly every day. Children write in their journals about a variety of topics, using all their resources for spelling and sentence structure. The resources include: phonetic spelling, looking for the words and punctuation they want to use on the Word Wall, around the room, or in books with which they're familiar, and teacher assistance.

Handwriting is practiced regularly, with emphasis on top-to-bottom and left-to-right movement, and correct placement of letters on the lines of the paper.

By the end of Kindergarten, children are able to read and write simple sentences, and have a good appreciation of story-telling.

Our math program is hands-on, everyday math. Children learn to solve problems related to our themes, as well as in their daily lives.
We also provide many Montessori math materials and lessons, which strengthen concepts.
By the end of Kindergarten, children will understand concepts such as more/less, place value, and simple addition and subtraction. They will also be familiar with some measurements, money, and be able to read time to the hour.

Science includes topics such as weather, properties of matter, environment, animal habitats,the human body, and nutrition.

In Social Studies, we focus on issues relevant to the children, such as family, community, social skills, holidays, and also include some basic history and civics lessons. You may be interested to know that as a Quaker school, we do not teach the "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag." We do, however, teach the Quaker "SPICES," and do several service learning projects throughout the year.

Our curriculum also includes Art, Music, Spanish, and Gym. The children attend these "special" classes several times a week.

Chinese New Year Celebration

For more information on Pre-K/Kindergarten curriculum, please see the sites below.

NAEYC Position Statements 

PA Curriculum Standards 

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