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    La mia risposta:

    Non si fa fatica a parlare, quando le cose SI SANNO DAVVERO.

    E` tutto molto facile. Si dicono le cose cosi` come sono.

    A volte pero` le cose vengono ripetute cosi` come si sono sentite.

    E se colui o colei che le ha sentite avesse bisogno del denaro…? Vi e` mai venuto in testa che c`e` un interesse…?

    A questo punto ci vorrebbe n`altra frasetta:


    Non lo scritta io e non so neanche chi l`ha scritta. So solo che e` stata scritta. E so solo che i miei due fratelli sposati da ANGELI me li sono trovati DIAVOLI. Questo solo so.

    O forse vengono ripetute e allargate da voi stessi … per interesse…

    Allora devo dire che non si possono ripetere… perche’ non sapete la realta`… e purtroppo NESSUNA PROVA ANCHE SE INCONFUTABILE … va bene per voi… PERCHE’ AGITE PER INTERESSE… e le vostre ragioni sono basate su solo cio` che voi falsamente volete pensare e riternere che sia la cosa giusta.

    A questo punto ci vorrebbe n`altra bella frasetta, ottenuta da voi stessi: (ma dico ci credete alle cose che scrivete?????????????????????)

    Una lingua maligna e` l`unico strumento da taglio che con l`uso diventa sempre piu` affilato. (Washington Irving) To this I say:


  • God:

    Tell me Lucifer, how many times have you visited her house and searched her drawers for the title deeds of what is hers and not yours. You might as well put some drugs there as you did for CHAPELLE CHORSBY, I mean that really will get her to you.

  • Lucifer:

    I am not touching anything. Have I robbed anything.

  • God:

    No. It has been a puzzle to her of why you do not steal anything.

  • Lucifer:

    I only want to nail her to something so that she says yes to me.

  • God:

    I am afraid I have already done that for you, and she chosen me because she thinks I am more powerful than you. She is got this kind of tingle of power… you know. She doesn`t like to be a servant. With me she is queen, with you she is a doll that you SEXUALLY ABUSE.

  • Lucifer:

    That is what a man does to a woman.

  • God:

    But she hasn`t asked for that. She just wants to be left in peace by men.

  • Lucifer:

    How does she know that we visit her house and her car wherever she goes.

  • God:

    At the beginning she didn`t know. She thought she left things in the wrong place… Unfortunately she now knows that things don`t seem quite as she puts them, so she started to put things in a certain way, and then she checks them back when she comes back home or in the car.

  • Lucifer:

    But we are careful.

  • God:

    Not careful enough I can assure you. She knows exactly how she puts things. By the way what happened to her birthday certificate? Is it in your hands, or in the hands of some Don Abbondian priest who needs it in order to marry … that is if you catch her. That was in a closed drawer by key. She knew exactly were it was. And it is not there any longer. BRING IT BACK. Her birthday certificate is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

  • Lucifer:

    I can do anything I want because I convinced every one that she did wrong things.

  • God:

    She also has PROVED NICELY AND CLEARLY, AND not by her words and her writing, that they are all lies. So even if you catch her and do the wrong thing… It will be a wrong thing… and every one knows about it…. You had something about the “cuginetta” … check up Chapter 13, you had something about sexual perversion, check up all the chapters which point all YOU and your gang DO, you talked about her aborting a child… well she has asked for a full report of medical from Medicare, she will prove that as well… UNLESS DOCTORS ARE ABLE TO SAY LIES… it remains to be seen… of course… Amazing they told her it will take only 30days, but she received a letter that they need 5weeks, why? Do you know anything about this? I mean she only goes to the doctor every 6months. She hardly ever have any flu. Of Menopause, she doesn`t even understand what the fuss of women is all about… so why would they need 5 weeks for a stupid medical report? She also proved how you abuse and misuse your Accounting power to ruin small businesses. GREEK read this book, it is all in there. This is the BOOK OF EVIDENCE. If you choose not to believe… it is your choice, but it is there, and if Australia has a fair system, well I have proven that you are the one who do wrong things not her.

  • Lucifer:

    I just want her.

  • God¨

    You can`t have her as a man… because of the sharade that you created around her in the last ten years. No woman in her right mind would marry a man who rubbishes her so. I do not know if you ever heard about marriages, but normally, it is about LOVE, it is about the beautiful things that a man would do for a woman… It certainly it is not about “you are whore” “you are a thief…” “I will report you to the authorities…” and for what? For the things that you do????, she proven that as well. You are an Accountant who abuses the system, who ruins small businesses, who calls every one woman a whore… Good basis for marriage????. Not to mention that you are already married. As I said as a man, you failed in every way you can, as Lucifer, you are doing your job. Do not mind me if I do mine as well.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Tell me, why on Saturday you hidden one of her books under the seat of her car, from the back. You just do it because you want her to find things wrongly. A typical stalker. You just want to say, “I have been in your car while you were showing the unit to the stooge I sent to you… You want to assert your power over her… JUST LIKE A NORMAL STALKER.

    I have been in your car…. I have been in your house… I can practically come while you sleep and f…. k you…. Because you belong to me….


    How did she find out about the book hidden under the seat? She could have put it there herself?

  • God:

    No. She couldn`t. Because she was in the front seat, not in the back seat. And she only took some books and placed then on the ground because she didn`t want to carry them to the unit. You see they were too heavy.

  • Lucifer:

    One of them could have fallen at the back. But didn`t you say that she hides things, may be SHE FORGOT, and she placed at the back. p>

  • God:

    No. Lucifer. You see if she wanted to hide a book, she would have chosen one of the ones that she left on the ground of her front seat, because they were the important ones. The one you hidden was really not very important. So why hide something that is not so important?

  • Lucifer:

    So why did she find out that it was missing?

  • God:

    Lucifer. It was important to her, but not to you. It was important that a lot of work for her lessons was in there. When she decided to do some work, the book was not on top of her desk, with the others. So she thought she left it in the car. She looked on the front seat, nothing. She looked on the ground… nothing…. So she assumed you stolen it. Then after a while, knowing your tricks, she decided to look every where in the car… and there it was … under the seat… and it could have been seen or placed there only from the back seat. Now the question is, all her books were there… why didn’t you take them? O yes, they were only the passwords, and of course you can find her passwords in different ways… you do not need to steal them from her…. You have stooges in the companies who provide her emails . So your message was “I have been here…” Now you can come down from your unit and go home, because the man who is looking at the flat is only someone from the Department of School of Education who want to assess the value that they can get. “

  • Lucifer:

    How did she know that?

  • God:

    Well the perspective tenant asked to look from the window, and strangely enough he looked in the direction where her car was. Were you giving him the signal that the search had been done, and now he could stop entertaining her?

  • Lucifer:

    She wasn`t ...

  • God:

    Lucifer. Whatever you do… She will reveal it. I COMMANDED HER SO. Because what you are doing it is ABOMINOUS TO ME.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    It is the same for the title deeds. You sent a magistrate, under a false name of perspective buyer, to check out where could the title deed be. You thought that with his experience he might find out the hidden place.

  • Lucifer:

    And he did.

  • God:

    Yes. But she did as well, find out that he had found out the hidden place.

  • Lucifer:

    So she found another place.

  • God:

    Yes. She did find another very good place, but not good enough for you. Somehow, she felt like checking again to see if there was anything missing.

  • Lucifer:

    She went to the title`s office because she thought we took them.

  • God:

    Yes. Because you found them and placed them a little bit differently than the way she had put them the day before.

  • Lucifer:

    She forgets THING, I told her brother to say so to her.

  • God:

    We know what you tell her brothers and how you use them as puppets for your dirty schemes… no need to tell us. This is the book of EVIDENCE… if you want to hear and read all the garbage you have pulled, besides your penis, read the full CRONACA NERA.

  • Lucifer:

    GRRRR We didn`t take them, did we? It is only in her mind that we want to steal things.

  • God:

    No. Lucifer. You want them. But you want them in a legal way. You want her signature and in a peaceful way. So what you are doing at the moment is trying to PETRIFY her, as a good stalker does. Because even if you have the title deeds you still cannot do a thing. Even if you pass her for crazy, you are not married with her, so where is the benefit? And even if the Government wants to take over her, again I think that she will still have a say on who she wants to be HER PROTECTOR OR PIMP OR WHATEVER…

  • Lucifer:

    Not if she passed everything to her brother…

  • God:

    That is exactly your aim. Because when everything will be in his name, then you are going to turn around and say, “Now, you have your money, so pay us.” And if he says “I can`t that is my sister`s money”, you will reply “You have the power of attorney and you can do anything you want. Now, number 1, you force her to marry me. Number two, our debts amount to about “two million dollars… Pay us.” And in this way, you pack the whole family on the street, OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF YOUR HEART GREEK GOD OF OLYMPUS.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    And when she will be married to you…. You will pack her into a nut house, enjoy her money, and have PEOPLE SAY “Poor him, he wanted her so much, and she is a spunge…he is really unlucky with women” little they will know that a 17years old whore is in your bed.

    RIFLESSIONI DI PADRE PIO - l`uomo, il monaco che nonostante avesse ottenute le stigmate da Nostro Signore, era visto dalla Chiesa e dal Pontefice come un esaltato.

    E mentre la gente accorreva a baciargli le mani, lui veniva segregato dalla Sacra Chiesa Romana, in una stanzetta, a piangere e meditare sui suoi peccati di esaltato e altre cose…..

    che potrei elencare, ma a questo punto non mi interessa.

    Qual`e` il bene massimo per una persona?

    Avere l`amore di Dio.

    L`amore da` sicurezza. Una persona che ha scoperto l`amore per Dio, sente di essere sulla strada della verita` che porta alla propria giusta realizzazione. Seguire Dio e` la piu` totale delle gioie che uno spirito possa provare.

    “Figliole mie, fatevi animo. Il nostro dolce Salvatore vi concedera` lume per seguire la buona strada nella quale siete per grazia di Dio. Abbiate solamente buon coraggio. Io sento gran consolazione al veder quanto voi stimiate il bene di servire Dio perche’ questo e` segno che strettamente l`abbraccerete. Sento ancora gran gusto nel vedere lo sforzo che fate nel servire Dio con allegrezza di spirito perche’ Dio e` il Dio dell`allegrezza.”

  • Chapter 17

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

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