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Due to recent events, and the fact FTC has a craptastic website, I have decided to close down the clan for awhile. HOWEVER!!!! This dosent mean the clan is gone, it simply means, anyone who was in FTC now isn't and we are now inactive.. Please contact

FTC wookie990 on aim for complaints. Now, time to un-veil my plans...

I have recently ordered StudioMX2004. If all goes well, I should be getting it in a week or so. This means, I will be able to make a professional, whop-ass website. I plan to expand FTC past halo, and have a chain of forums and sites for many topics. These topics will range from Guitar, to tech help, to sci-fi, and to other games ect. I apologize for any inconvenience, but I do not plan to be on halo for a couple weeks as I re-establish FTC as a professionally made website. The site and forums will be deleted when I get Dreamweaver. (Web program that comes with Studio MX2004). Once I have the new site operational, I will add the link on here. Thank you for your patients, please contact me for further info.

-FTC}Wookie, Fire Team Charley clan leader and website administrator  


This site was last updated 03/02/05