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Promo: #1 Record: Victorious 151 Failure 83 No Contest 25(1 in IIW)

Accolades: CHCW Hall of famer..22 time World Champion,7 time European Champion,6 time Intercontinental Champion,7 time Tag Team Champion,3 time United States Champion,2 time Hardcore Champion,3 time Cage Champion. IIW United Kingdom Champion(1x)...Current IIW Global Heavyweight Champion...IIW Hall of Famer.

ECE X-Rated!
IIW Hall of Famer/Global Champion Crush vs Paul Spinella

Victims Of The King of Extreme: ..



Moments after what happened to him at ECE X Rated, Crush is irritated but motivated. After all that .. Jessica Huttman saw fit that Her and Her husband spent the night in a lush .. five star Embassy suite. Jessica saw fit that The Huttmans.. were treated like only the Huttmans can be treated .. and that .. that is when our scene comes to life ..

Our scene comes to life inside the very suite of Crush and. Jessica Huttman. Our camera is focused on a king size .. absolutely luxurious bed. An empty nightstand sits to it's left .. another to it's right. The sound of a very familiar voice can be heard faintly in the background. The camera slowly pans around .. looking for the voice's origin. After a few seconds .. the camera pans just far enough to the right to get a look at Jess from behind. Jess sits in a chair with his feet propped up on the nearest table .. chatting with a mystery man on her brand new IPhone 15 cell phone

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: Last week .. was as memorable as they come. Last week .. couldn't have been any better .. even if it was scripted .. it was a complete success. Last week .. the King made an impact so big .. that it rocked the very foundation that IIW sits upon! .... What?! No .. no .. no .. see that's where you're wrong. The King.. it's not Paul Spinella .. it's nothing like I've ever seen before. The King actually has talent .. MY husband actually has the talent to be at the top of this place! .... Don't worry .. everything is going to be just fine. Nobody on the IIW roster can stop my man. Do ya know who's next on the list to be crossed out? .... That's exactly right .. Paul Spinella!! .... Can My Baby take out PAUL SPINELLA?! What kind of ludicrous question is that?! OF COURSE My baby can whoop Paul Spinella’s ass. With me in the corner it's a given .. it's in the freakin' bag! ..

Just then .. the sound of the hotel room door shutting can be heard. Jess turns her head seeing standing before her .. her husband .. the former ECE World, AWR Universal, and current IIW Global Champion .. in a very sharp looking suit .. his hair freshly gelled .. ready for a night out on the town ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: I'm 'gonna have to call you back .. the future of the wrestling industry, my husband just walked through the door ..

Jess smiles as she closes her phone .. ending the call .. and places her phone back into her pocket. With support of the arm rests .. Jess rises to her feet and gives Crush a hug and a kiss ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: Jess .. tell me something. Did you just say .. what I think you said? ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: What? That you are the future of the wrestling industry? ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: Yeah .. That is exactly what I thought you said ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: Sure is babe ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: Just when it couldn't possibly get any better than it already is .. it does! ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: What do you mean? ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: Jess .. ever since I came back to IIW, I have been telling everybody that this Global Heavyweight Title is the endgame. I’ve defended this belt in THREE different companies. Tell me who else has done that.. I've been yearning .. I've been wanting to step into the ring and give the performance of a life time ..Now I have what I want. The IIW GLOBAL HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP...Now that I annihilated Clyde Newton and sent him home with his tail between his legs AGAIN, I’m back where I belong.

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: Babe .. take a look at your legendary resume .. you’re a former ECE World Heavyweight Champion as well ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: That's true, Jess .. But ever since I have arrived here, I have not gotten the respect that I feel I deserve and it’s PISSING ME OFF.. I see guys like Paul Spinella, , among others. Walking around here like they own the place and not knowing just who the hell I am. It is time I remind everybody WHY I am the Global Heavyweight Champion…WHY I am the Best…And Why I am the goddamn KING….OF……EXTREME. One way or another, Paul Spinella is going to realize that. I don’t give a shit what he’s done to deserve this match… The result will still be the same and there ain’t a damn thing he or anybody else can do about it .. and I'm going to let him know .. that no matter who They want to throw in my path .. no matter what .. at all costs .. I'm going to rip through each and every superstar .. and I'm going to once again take my place at the top of this industry .. WHERE I BELONG! ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: But Babe .. what about Paul? What if he has help?

The King of Extreme -> Crush: Don't worry about that Jess .. I've got everything under control. And you know something babe .. Paul wants to prance around this company and face the Man .. he’s out of his depth.. He’s a formidable opponent .. but he’s still not the King…because PAUL has yet to step into the ring and face someone with my talents .. someone with my athleticism .. someone who can actually make Paul look like a loser within seconds. The only superstar in this company that can do that is ME! And something else .. I'm sick and tired of other idiots claiming to be the best around here .. because you’re fucking looking at the best ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: I love it when you talk aggressive..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: Don’t worry babe.. I ain’t done yet! I am The IIW Global Champion dammit.. A former ECE World Champion..I am a LEGEND in this industry.. Not Paul Spinella.. Is Spinella holding this title? No, he isnt.. Is Paul Spinella better than Me? I DON'T THINK SO!! NOT BY A LONG SHOT!! It is me Jess .. ME!! I walked into that ring against Clyde Newton last week .. I did what I had to do .. I did what needed to be done. Paul Spinella could never have even dreamed of walking into that match and doing what I did. What I did .. like you said .. was flat out .. unquestionably WRECK SHIT and LEAVE! I’ve proven over the years that I am the best .. without a doubt! I don't need this championship to prove that .. I need this championship because on my waist .. is where it belongs. Come Mayhem, Jess .. I'm going to take away a lot more than that. I'm going to show Paul .. that beating me .. was never something in the cards because there is nobody on the IIW roster that measures up to greatness .. nobody on the roster is BETTER than I am because I'm the best thing going .. and nobody .. and Jess, I MEAN NOBODY .. can get into the ring and do what I do .. better than me .. not even PAUL himself ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: You have a point there, babe .. you've got a DAMN good point ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: You're damn right I do, Jess. Not only that .. but Paul believes this is a perfect world .. Paul believes I’m out of my league. But there's one thing he's forgetting, Jess .. I'm in GOD MODE now .. I am the Belt Collector…The Curse Breaker…Whatever the fuck you wanna go with. Paul needs to realize that his time is coming to an end .. as a man and as a wrestler. I'm better than he is .. that's why he’s yet to show his face.. because he feels threatened .. he knew that I was already better than he was and he knew .. he knew he couldn’t beat me so he wanted to try and get into my head. But there's one thing wrong .. he didn't take into consideration that I'm already a legend. There's been nobody walk into the wrestling world that could do the things I've done .. current IIW Global Champion… 22 time World Champion. Most people who would have been faced with these kind of odds .. would have crapped in their pants and backed out. But not me .. because I'm not like any other superstar on the roster .. I'm BETTER!! Paul thinks .. that I’m going to take it easy on him because I don’t really know him .. but if you look back every time I've had to step into the ring with anybody .. you NEVER see any fear in my eyes .. you NEVER see any intimidation what-so-ever. And do you know why that is, Jess? ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: [begin sarcasm]Why is that, Babe?[end sarcasm] ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: Because I'm Crush .. and I'm better than Paul Spinella .. whether he wants to admit it or not. But after Mayhem rolls around .. and I annihilate him and End this .. he'll admit it .. maybe not vocally .. but in the back of his mind .. every time he steps into the ring with me .. he'll think about the time he was beaten to a pulp by my hand .. and then .. then I'm already one step ahead because I've got a psychological advantage. Make no mistake about it, Jess .. The King .. I guarantee victory .. and I speak for everyone when I say that .. because Jess .. when Mayhem rolls around ..

Crush pauses as his intensity grows ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: I WILL NOT QUIT! ..

Intensity continues to grow ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: I WILL NOT FAIL! ..

The camera zooms in .. humming in on every word ..

The King of Extreme -> Crush: I .. WILL .. NOT .. LOSE! ..

Crush smirks arrogantly before walking out of view. Jess begins to laugh. After a few seconds .. Jess speaks ..

Mrs. Extreme -> Jessica Huttman: That's EXACTLY .. what I love .. to hear! ..
