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Welcome to the February issue of the WEATHERFUN Newsletter

This issue marks the start of the 3rd year of the WEATHERFUN Newsletter. We trust that you have found it useful.

Words From Jerry
Greetings fellow Weatherfun members, and welcome to the February issue of the Weatherfun newsletter.

Well, here we go another month gone by, and another month closer to spring and Jerry's kind of weather. But, it is taking a very long time to get here folks. As you know is has been a very tough winter here in the Northeast. As you also know that rodent Phil has seen his shadow and that means six more weeks of winter. But, we all knew that anyway. All we can hope for is that the six weeks are not very harsh, not that cold and above all not that much snow. Hopefully the six weeks will go by real quick and spring will be here. Bill, is checking the dust on his clubs and hopefully that one inch mark will come real soon.

We also have the Super Bowl out of the way and you know what that means. We can now put our thoughts to Weatherfun's third reunion. We have had two very successful reunions folks, and I know that the third reunion will be even better than the past two. If you have not made plans to attend as of yet, please make your plans now, and attend our great weather related, and family related reunion. a good time will be had by all folks. Steve, will be sending out information very shortly and you can then finalize your plans. See you at the reunion folks.

Remember folks, this is your newsletter, please support it, and above all please contribute to it. I will see you in March and please remember to THINK SPRING.

February's Weather
  • 2nd: Another winter storm hit the West Coast with heavy snow in northern California, Oregon & Washington. Roads were closed and streams flooded.
  • 2nd-3rd: East of the Rockies to the East Coast very mild with several record High temperatures, while very cold air with snow moved into the upper Rockies.
  • 4th: The cold air & snow slowly moved into the Midwest.
  • 4th-6th: Record cold in parts of Oregon, Washington, & Montana with snow, sleet and freezing rain along the Pacific coastline.
  • 9th-11th: Record cold from Maine to Florida. Sub-zero temperatures common from Maine to New York.
  • 13th - 16th: An Alberta Clipper dropped up to 8" of snow from Ohio to New England and opened up the door to another Arctic outbreak. Record Low temperatures throughout New England & New York. Morning Lows of below zero were the rule rather than the exception.
  • 16th - 17th: After a prolonged dryspell, Texas gets heavy rain with flash floods.
  • 21st-24th: Arctic air moved into the upper Plains and Midwest with temperatures below zero and snow.
  • 22nd- 25th: Arctic returns from northern Virginia to Maine.
  • 25th-26th: From Minnesota to Maine, and Kansas to the Carolinas freezing rain, sleet & snow with at least 38 deaths due to the weather.
  • 26th: Tornado touched down in Central Oahu, Hawaii producing heavy rain, thunder and lightning throughout the islands. The tornado lasted less than a minute.
  • 27th: Record Low temperatures in the Plains.
  • 28th: New York City gets 10.3 inches of snow with some surrounding areas getting over a foot. Record cold continues in the Plains and spreads to the Midwest and South.
  • 29th - 30th: Rain with mountain snow in the Northwest with several flash flood watches/warnings.
  • 31st: Heavy rain in central and southern Florida.

Raleigh, NC

Links 4 You

  1. Wintertime Cloud Microphysics Review

  2. A "Hot Tower" Above The Eye Can Make Hurricanes Stronger
Hello New Members
  • Jack -
Did You Know?

Do you know how to convert Knots to MPH, or get the Wind Chill from the Temperature and Wind Speed? I don't, but there's a calculator at the Boston NWS that will do it for you.
Members Birthdays

WEATHERFUN would like to help celebrate your birthday by sending you an e-card on your birthday. In order to do this, we need to know when it's your birthday. Send the day, month, and if you want year, of your birthday to us and we'll help celebrate your birthday with you.

We hope that you enjoyed this month's Newsletter. See you next month, and be sure to visit the WEATHERFUN Website but most of all have fun with your weather.
Past issues of the Newsletter can be found at the Newsletter Library

Email to the Newsletter can be sent to either

Jerry or Bill

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List Owner:Jerry

Jason B
John J
