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 -[Top 10 WEED TYPES]-
 -[WEED Magazines]-
 -[Weed Animations]-
 -[Best Weed songs]-
 -[Weed Backgrounds]-
 -[Weed Games]-
 -[Game Room!]-
 -[Webpage Templates]-

      Current Livecam pic:
      Current Livecam image
-[Watch Livecam]-

   Link Partners:
 -[Am I hot? Pic site]-
 -[Increase your Traffic!]-
 -[Cheap web hosting]-

 -[Your site here?]-
   Shout Box:  

 : : Page views: 6859 : :


-(SUn March 07, 2004)- CLICK HERE To learn how to make the best pipes or weed smoking items...MEGHAN LIKES IT IN THE BUTT P>

-(Weds March 03, 2004)- Smoked hella dank today.
- We should all get high as fuck!

If you want to have your link put on here you can do that by clicking HERE.

Just about have all the pages on the site done with the exception of the webpage templates and the pictures section.

Sign up for the forums! 
 Under construction -
 Sign up for the forums now. Sign up now!. sign up and if you recruit more
 people you can become an admin.

 Got the Games and Programs sections up.

 This site is basically just my personal website right now. It is in  the works
 right now. The working pages I have so far are the Live web cam, Animations,
 Flash Movies, Videos, and Backgrounds. I am getting more and more of
 them working each day. If you have any  comments, suggestions, or
 questions e-mail me at
 Everything on this site including the site itself is my own work.  Please don't
 steal it without asking, thanks :)


