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*   Organization Information

*   Favorite Links

*   Contact Information

*   Current Projects

*   Biographical Information



Organization Information


This is a Not For Profit Community Outreach Program designed to meet

the needs of the poor, homeless, and disadvantaged people in your area.


Christina Starry

Founder of the Program

We operate on a volunteer basis

In order to meet the needs of the people those we serve whom

desperately need our help we must ask for community support.


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Favorite Links





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Contact Information

E-mail address

Web address

Office phone



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Current Projects

*   To attain our goals we seek donations from people like you. Such as money, food, clothing, toiletries, paper products, plastic bags, diapers, new shoes, cleaning products and supplies, lawn and garden maintenance equipment, office supplies, and any other items necessary to run a household.

*   On behalf of the families we help, we ask you to provide what you can.

*   Immediate Physical Needs

*   Life Skills Training to give them the skills they need to become more self sufficient.



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Biographical Information

Since 1999 we started the quest to serve others. Just as we have been served in the past. With love for others, a deep compassion for people in need, and the Lord as our guide we will meet our goals.

We are a faith based organization created with the desire to uplift the oppressed people we encounter in our journey through life. In turn we can build stronger communities. We offer monthly classes on a wide range of topics in the area of self improvement. These are free of charge and are hosted and conducted by trained volunteers. Please help our neighbors in need who are down on their luck or just need to learn the skills to succeed. Together we can make a difference in the lives of those around us.


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Last revised: Date 2-3-03