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Welcome to my Web Page this is going to be updated periodically so please be patient. I will have alot of pictures and other stuff on here. So sit back relax and see whats up.

Yes I am in the Air Force, I am a combat fire fighter and enjoy it very much.Our motto is simple but true.

Desire To Serve
Ability to Perform
Courage to Act

Never Forget the Fallen

Random Pic of Me

Wait'n for the money machine

Wake up Man!!!

Me in full gear... about 80 lbs

Never miss a call!

well... I WAS asleep

Yup it’s a Gecko

Me and a Co Worker

Engine Company!!!

Engine Co. Again but different Crew Chief

My boy Serrano

yea... not bad


Kids, don't try this at home :-)

The Fire Dept

A Fire Fighters Prayer

When I am called to duty, God Whenever flames may rage Give me Strength to save some life. Whatever be its Age.
Help me embrace a little child Before it is too late Or Save an older person from The horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout And Quickly and efficiently To put the flames out
I want to fill my callin And to give the best in me To guard my every neighbor And Protect his property
And if, according to my fate, I am to lose my life, Please bless with your protecting hand my childeren and my wife.

Kc135 burn, I'm actually in the picture...just inside of the aircraft...yea it got alittle warm.

Putting it out

I'm pulling a dummy pilot out of a helicoptor, this one only weighed about 120lbs... there were others that weighed upwards of 180lbs. Still light compared to the real thing though.

Here we are pulling a dummy out the back of a C130 hercules. We "found him" under some cargo crates. You can see some smoke in the back ground.

Hey man you feel'n lemme take your blood pressure.

Family pics

A hung over morning with the nephew.

Me and Steve (brother)

Steve and his Son

Crystall, James's wife

James and Hayden (brother and nephew)

Madison (niece)

Zach as a fire fighter, thats what he wants to be when he grows up.

Zach and Taylor (nephew and niece)

Hailey (niece)

Hailey again but this time she is doin summin cool!

Me and mah gurl


Me at a retirement ceremony

Here is a shot of me and my parents in Texas, I just graduated from Basic Training.