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This is a cool picture. I think it's from Castlevania, but I'm not sure. This guy's got some cool fanart on his site. I suggest going to check it out. Anyway, knights are pretty awesome. Noble and loyal, they always follow through. They fight with swords. Swords, as we all know, are awesome. Killed dragons and stuff. Maybe. Probably not. Saved the damsel, though. Beowulf was a knight...ish. Beowulf was cool. The Green Knight was (obviously) a knight, too. So was Arthur and his Knights of the Round. Knights of the Round was a summon in FF7. There are knights in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, one of the great comedies of all time. Knights pwn. Except for the KKK knights. Complete douchbags, those (because the correct spelling is blocked by some filters).