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What is Tipoca City?


 Extending from the churning seas of Kamino is Tipoca City, a hermetically sealed metropolis mounted on mighty stilts that withstand the buffeting winds and waves. While the city does stand defiant against the elements, a closer look at its architecture reveals graceful curves that help redirect and deflect the winds.

Tipoca is the capital of Kamino, and serves as the residence of Kamino's Prime Minister, Lama Su. In the heart of Tipoca City is a massive cloning facility, run by the native Kaminoans, reputed to be the best cloners in the galaxy. Records indicate that Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas commissioned the construction of a clone army about ten years prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. To that end, the Kaminoans used a bounty hunter named Jango Fett as the genetic template of the army.

Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the secret army while investigating Fett's involvement in an assassination attempt on Coruscant. While there were many unanswered questions regarding its creation, the Kaminoans recognized the Jedi and the Republic as the rightful owners of this new military force.

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine decreed a state of emergency brought on by the increasingly hostile activities of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Jedi took possession of the army and transported it to Geonosis to engage in the first battle of the Clone Wars.

--- From the Official Star Wars Website Databank

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