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Crossroads Presbyterian Church

First Time Traveler Asking Directions Cruisin' Crossroads


First Time Traveler
Asking Directions
Cruisin' Crossroads

“I am a frayed and nibbled survivor in a fallen world, and I am getting along.   I am aging and eaten and have done my share of eating too.  I am not washed and beautiful, in control of a shining world in which everything fits, but instead am wandering awed about on a splintered wreck I’ve come to care for, whose gnawed trees breathe a delicate air, whose bloodied and scarred creatures are my dearest companions, and whose beauty beats and shines not in its imperfections but overwhelmingly in spite of them, under the wind-rent clouds, upstream and down. .  .”

--Annie Dillard, Pilgrim At Tinker Creek

If these quoted words resonate with you, it may be time to consider a church community that reflects the way that you and many others feel. . .

  • Are you a "nibbled survivor"?
  • Does the world in so many ways appear "fallen" and collapsed in upon itself?
  • At home, at work, at play, do you have the sensation of "wandering awed about on a splintered wreck"?

Don’t be too quick to answer!   At the Crossroads Presbyterian Church of Limerick, Pennsylvania, there’s always time to consider the deepest questions that life throws down and to respond with integrity and authenticity.    For us, faith in Jesus Christ is like that as well - more filled with mysterious moments and searching questions than with easy answers and gimmicks!   And when we gather for worship celebrations at the intersection of Lewis Road and West Cherry Lane, we experience both the challenge and the comfort of what it means to follow the Spirit of God into the world.  

Typically, the celebration at 8:30  on Sunday morning is quiet and contemplative.   For the most part, the music is unplugged, and the words spoken by the leaders are intimate and inviting.   To the extent that we are able, the people of Crossroads Church want to open up a sacred space for you and others to meet God.   We believe that experience takes place when the story of Jesus merges with your own unique, personal story.   With this in mind, there are prayer stations set up in the multi-purpose room for those who would like to share specific concerns, hopes, hurts and joys.  Also, every week, we encourage folks to feast on a fresh loaf of bread and a cup of grape juice.   We call this meal, "Communion," or "The Lord’s Supper," and we believe that in the act of eating and drinking it together, Jesus Christ is really, spiritually, present with us.   Following this prayerful meal, the announcements will lead you into a laid-back time of connection, friendship and opportunities to serve with those around you.

At 10:00 on Sunday morning, the music and the atmosphere in the multi-purpose room become more upbeat.   You can expect to be greeted warmly, with a smile, a handshake or a hug, and offered a bulletin with a schedule for the celebration.   Contemporary praise songs, creative skits and traditional hymns are skillfully mixed in a more impromptu liturgy.   The message at 10:00 a.m. is a little longer and focuses more on the basics of the Christian faith.   Occasionally, children, adolescents and adults are baptized, and once a month we host the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.   By the end, of course, we hope that you, as a "nibbled survivor," taste and see that the Lord is good. 

 Any questions?  We do hope so.  We hope that you bring all of your questions to the Crossroads, where there is time to listen, time to learn, time to love and be loved by God!  

  • For more basic and introductory information about Crossroads, click on the FIRST TIME TRAVELER page.
  • For details about the ministries at the Crossroads, click on the ASKING DIRECTIONS page.
  •  For members and friends of Crossroads Church, who would like to deepen their participation in the mission of the church community, click on CRUISING THE CROSSROADS,
  • For our Weekly Reflections, click here ->