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Behutet is limited-edition, widely-circulated 'zine of Thelesis Camp.
"Behutet" is an epithet for the Egyptian winged sun-disk.

The magazine focuses on magickal techniques, history and Thelemic culture in a modern setting. We strive to make the magazine as original as possible and as such we tend to avoid reprints of commonly available material and commentaries on same. As a practical technical journal we also tend to steer clear of poetry, with the noted exception of poetic Invocations and/or channeled writings.

If you are an artist, original artwork is always a welcomed addition to the magazine! Please speak with editors to discuss deadlines and guidelines.

Editors: Frater Lux Ad Mundi and Soror Amy Y.


 #23   Autumn Equinox 2004


 #22   Summer Solstice 2004

¤ Phyllis Seckler Obituary ¤ Lustration ¤ Genesis Breyer P-Orridge on Breaking Sex  ¤Interview with Alobar  ¤ The Significance of Weird Experience ¤ A discourse on the Sigillum Aemeth  ¤ The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center Crowley Collection

 #21   Spring Equinox 2004

¤ Techniques of Merkabah Mysticism  ¤ Invocation of Bou Jeloud ¤ Thelema and Fascism  ¤Sovereignty, Awareness, and Will  ¤ Initiated look at Harry Potter ¤ Review of "Demons of the Flesh"  

 #20   Winter Bruma 2003

¤ Frater Achad, by G. del Campo  ¤ Quattuor Caput ¤ Meditation from Liber Primus  ¤Cthonic Auranian Templars of Thelema  ¤ Diamond Sapphire (Revised) Folding the Picture ¤ Reviews (including "Stages of Initiation" given in NYC recently)   

 #19   Autumn Equinox 2003

¤ Why does religion get a bad rap?  ¤ Adventures in III* ¤ Interview with LM Duquette  ¤ John Reynold's 'Critical comments on Okar Research'  ¤ Early Gnosticism  ¤ Distinction between Self and Self ¤ A discourse on the PELE ring  ¤ Piercing the Veil of Probability  ¤ 

 #18   Summer Solstice 2003

¤ Excerpt from Duquette's new Book "Understanding the Thoth Tarot ¤ Invoking the Egyptian deities into the Body Mandala¤  ¤  The Sorceror's Sangreal  ¤ Apollion ritual¤ Appalachian Voodoo ¤ Tres Caput - Gematria ¤ 

 #17   Vernal Equinox 2003

¤ Interview with Simon of the Necronomicon (pt2)  ¤ Grady and Me  ¤  Cronusius Ritual ¤ Love and Gnosis Progression of the Ego ¤ Agapion speaks on the Greek Mysteries ¤ 

 #16   Winter Bruma 2002

¤ Interview with Simon of the Necronomicon (pt1)  ¤ Oriflamme  ¤  The Mind's Eye & the hidden god (Pt2)  ¤ Vivekananda's influence on Occultism  ¤ Conversations with a Theosophist ¤ 

 #15   Autumnal Equinox 2002

¤ Ritual of the Spirit Feast ¤ What is Gnosticism?  ¤  Holy Book of Numbers ¤ Seventh Triangle Oil   ¤ Gnostic Cinema Manifesto¤ 

 #14   Summer Solstice 2002

¤ Transvocation of Samjaza - Azazel  ¤  Interview with Jane Hathaway ¤  The Mind's Eye & the hidden god (Pt1)  ¤ Solar Mandala Ritual  ¤  Original GD ¤ Lessons on Qabbalah (Pt2)

#13   Spring Equinox 2002

¤ Grips and Signs: OTO vs. Masons ¤  Ebony Anpu and the Hawk & Jackal System (PT 2)  ¤  Interview with Michael Ford of Psychonaut 75  ¤  Lesson on Runes  ¤  Inominandum's Ritual Journal

#12   Winter Bruma 2001

¤ Book Excerpt: The Chicken Qabalah  ¤  Ebony Anpu and the Hawk & Jackal System (PT 1)  ¤  The Rite of Nu-Ourania  ¤  Expansion of Self and The Mass of the Phoenix  ¤  New Reformation of the Golden Dawn  ¤  Lessons on Qabalah  ¤  History of the OTO in Philadelphia   


#11   Autumn Equinox 2001

¤ Herman Slater "Thee Magickal Childe" (Pt 2)  ¤  Liber Al: A Simple Commentary   ¤  Mystics in Philadelphia  ¤  Quest for the Holy Grail  ¤  The Humvajri Rite  ¤  Liber Agape 2-0-0-1  ¤  Knowing the Tarot: Adjustment

#10   Summer Solstice 2001

¤ Herman Slater "Thee Magickal Childe" (Pt 1) ¤ Ritual of the Stargate ¤ Ritual of the Spirit Cauldron ¤History of Absinthe ¤ Liber Al a Mystery?



#9   Vernal Equinox 2001

¤ Germanic Tradition and the Qabala  ¤  Hermetic Purity & Danger in Early Mormonism   ¤  Knowing the Tarot: The Chariot  ¤  The Golden Chain of Hermes  ¤  When Satan is a Woman  ¤  Fiction Excerpt: Accidental Christ


#8   Winter Bruma 2000

¤  Tips For the Mall Bookstore Magician  ¤  Knowing the Tarot   ¤  A Solstice Play in Two Acts  ¤  Introduction to Teutonic Religion   ¤  The New Aeon's Orisha   ¤  Stella Serpentis Ritus  ¤  Bubchen Sangye Yeshes 


#7   Autumnal Equinox 2000

¤  Introduction to the Gnostic Mass  ¤  Gnostic Mass Lecture (Lon Milo and Constance DuQuette) ¤  The Mahasiddha Tradition  by John Reynolds ¤  Anthro-Biological Analysis of The Book of Lies  ¤  Rituals: A Brief Communion, Channeling Sefira Hochma, Goetic Working  ¤  Phillip Farber Interview: Blending NPL With Magick


#6   Summer Solstice 2000

¤  Knowing the Tarot: The Lovers  ¤  Glenn Danzig Interview (Pt 2)  ¤  Harry Smith: Thelemic Saint  ¤  Ritual: Diamond Sapphire Gem of Radiant Light, A Rite of the Thelema-Sangha   ¤  Report on the Crowley Collections of the Archives of The University of Pennsylvania  ¤  Alexandria  ¤  Threskian Tradition Lecture by Agapion 999


#5   Vernal Equinox 2000

Tips for the Mall bookstore magician -mix and match mythology ¤   saturnian dream ritual ¤   Improving ritual skills with NLP ¤   Review of Duquette's "My life with the spirits ¤   Interview with Glenn Danzig pt1 ¤   Harry Smith's Peyote Hymns ¤   Interview with Rollo Whitehead pt II ¤  ¤   ¤


#4   Winter Bruma 1999

¤  Knowing The Tarot: The Fool  ¤  Saturnian Dream Ritual  ¤  Improving Ritual Skills WithNeuro-Linguistic-Programming  ¤  Glenn Danzig Interview (Pt 1)  ¤   ¤   ¤  ¤   ¤



Web design by Scott Sh

#3   Winter Bruma 1998

¤  An initiation into Thelema ¤  Cyberspace is NOT the astral planel  ¤  Why NOT invoke superman? ¤ Tips for the mall bookstore magician #3 ¤ A magical martial arts seminar¤   ¤ The trouble with traditions  ¤   ¤


#2   Summer Solstice 1997

¤  Magick and the martial arts ¤  Tips for the mall bookstore magician: looking skyward ¤ Silence in the Book of Lies ¤  Inside the circles of time: facts and fictions in the aquarian aeon  ¤ Doing it everyday  ¤  


#1  Winter Bruma 1996

¤  Tips for the mall bookstore magician ¤  Of the holy guardian angel  ¤ Language of Archetype/logos ¤ A gibberish of letters ¤ Who the hell is this Enoch guy?  ¤ Arcana Revalata - Paracelsus  ¤ Reviving the Ancient Greek Mysteries ¤ Chapter 38  ¤ A study in masonic symbology
¤ Non Nuclear Desire ¤ Sociobiology and Magick ¤



