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Tuesday, September 24, 2002
       I've been working hard on the page, as you can see there is more stuff. Today I uploaded our only two MP3's, they are in the downloads section. I can't really say how long it will take me to finish the site because I think I'm a potential candidate for A.D.D. and there's too many things distracting me. Oh yeah, if anyone has pictures of  me, Malone, or Harry can you please email them to me, thanks.

The Band History


Tour Dates




Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Ok, today I added a links section and a band history section to the page, I'll eventually get the whole thing done. Malone has the only recordings of the Halloween dance song and cupids bloody demise, he's going to make them into MP3's then I'll make them available in the download section.


SuttonWorld Inc.


Tuesday, September 17, 2002
First day of work on this page. I'm trying to figure out how to work Microsoft Publisher. When the page is up it is sure to be stupendous. We took a trip to St. John's this weekend, we had a gig on George St.,  The lights were bright, the amps were pulsating, the crowd was raging and out of control. All in all it was a good show. Here's some pics….


Ultra Mega
126 Bennett Dr.
Gander, NF
A1V 1N6