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the focus.

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update 03.23.03
okay, so this is the first update of the new year. we played a few shows this year, i think. anyways, the most recent was last week, and it was fun. like i wrote in the show review, we finally had energy. it was great. anyways, russell couldn't make it, which was a letdown, but mark did perfectly. feeley played saxophone on smoked turkey on rye and survival horror, and greg porter played drums on those numbers. we have no shows planned, so if you want us to play somewhere, get in touch. there are tentative plans for a new recording and split with the ran sometime this spring/summer, and then a new england tour with them in late july or early august. that will be fun times.
x matt x

update 12.28.02
lots of news tonight, boys and girls. i have updated the entire site with the new name, a slightly updated history, show review, etc. on 12.21.02 we announced our name change from primetime to the focus. we realized that primetime sucks and we didn't want to go any further with a shitty name like that. we should be getting our full length that we recorded a month or two ago, providing nobody misplaces it or anything, as has been the case numerous times in the past. there is a video of the happy holidays festival with the ran and primetime on it, so if you'd like to see it, just ask somebody who has it. our next show is coming up on 01.10.03, be there.
x matt x

update 11.18.02
okay, so i put up pictures from the halloween show. they are nice to look at. we recorded on 11.16.02. the raw version came out very good, and it should be even better when mixed. we have a show in winthrop coming up at the end of this month, and hopefully three shows in december. after that, everything is fuzzy. email one of us and we can play a show. we might have cds at the show on the 30th. they have nine nice songs. if they come out good enough, we will probably send them in to get done for real with booklets and shit. it just might happen. i sent out the first email for the mailing list tonight, finally. some entries into the mailing list via the above link have been coming up blank, i don't know why this is, but if you don't get an email and you think you should, sign the mailing list again, or just email me with the info. get involved. see you at the fucking shows, bitches.
x matt x

update 10.26.02
yet another update. and in such quick succession. we should have patches and stickers soon, and shirts too, i believe. we have a halloween show on november 2, with 12cent (or jeepers h. crackers if 12cent can't play), the unabombers, and come up swingin. just for your information, the show is technically on halloween, considering that halloween consists of three days. those days are thursday, friday, and saturday for this year. so wear a costume and have some spirit. on november 16, we're getting some professional recording time. that will be mad nasty. then on november 30, we're playing a show in winthrop. see the shows section for more details on those shows. we're planning to have another basement show in december after we play all these shows that we have planned. i have all the pictures from the basement show up in the images section, and i think i did a bunch of other updates.
x matt x

update 10.13.02
well the show last night went really well, thank you to everyone who came out and had fun. we've got another show coming up this friday, 10.18.02, and a halloween show (if we can find a hall) after that. if anybody took pictures or video of our set, it would be much appreciated if we could have them. and i really hope someone videotaped it. anyways, russell played alto saxophone last night instead of baritone, and we all liked that better. you can actually hear the alto. i'll be sending out the first email to anybody who signed up for our mailing list, probably not too many people since we forgot to mention that we had a list. i might actually buy that other website now. i just might. if anybody has any suggestions for a hall for the halloween show, sign the guestbook or something, because the unabombers said they would play and it would suck if we couldn't find a hall. alright, that is all for now, except to thank everybody for coming and playing last night. thank you.
x matt x

update 08.25.02
well it's been almost three whole months since i last wrote an entry here. so let's get down to business. we obviously changed our name to primetime, from the usual suspects, from secondbest. i enjoy primetime. anyways. yesterday we recorded a four song demo to be sent to clubs, record labels, etc. it is not for distribution. if any of us gives you one, give it back! there is also an 11 song cd that has all of our songs on it. if you somehow get a hold of that, you should definately give it back! any band member that is caught distributing either the demo or the full length will be castrated by russell with a window. thanks to joe powers, who did the recording, and scott wessen, who likes to film our buttocks. i'm almost done building this website, i just added an audio section and a contact section. the way of hearing the songs by putting them into windows media player will work some of the time, but due to bandwidth restrictions, they might not work all of the time. also, the site that i made will not be active for another couple of days. e-mail me or instant message me and i can send you the songs that way, instead. have fun.
x matt x

update 06.04.02
everything with this band is like a jigsaw puzzle. sometimes the pieces come apart, sometimes you think you've got it, but you don't. well it finally seems as if all the pieces are falling into place. scott (the guy from a few nights ago) wants to start coming to practices and helping us to produce the cd. he's calling some recording studios trying to find a good one. this guy myke cameron also emailed me about his business of printing t-shirts, patches, posters, etc. for rock-bottom prices. we'll certainly take him up on that. rob lapann has agreed to make some of the art for the cd, free of charge. he's an amazingly good grafitti artist if any of you don't know. so after we set a recording date, i'm going to be buying so look out for that sometime soon. russell is back in, but i'm sure you could tell from the index page. we're also looking for another horn, i believe. get in touch if you're interested. so secondbest is finally going somewhere. we've got some bitchin' new tunes and it's looking good. love it.
x matt x

update 05.30.02
last night, the band got together with a guy who knows his shit. he helped us to develope a plan to get off the ground this summer. let me tell you the basic jist of it. we're planning on recording by the end of june in a studio that this guy is going to look into for us. we're going to print a bunch of cds and hopefully some t-shirts. it's going to be a lot of work in the the next month, and we're all going to have to front a lot of money, but we're all willing to do it. after we get the cds and such, we're going to book some shows, radiating outward from hingham to (with some luck) boston. i'm going to finish making the website and start up a mailing list. also, we're planning an end of the school year show somewhere in hingham. keep a lookout, i think the tentative date is thursday, the 13 of june. flyers should be out soon. keep a lookout.
x matt x

update 05.20.02
well this is it. the beginning of an all-new secondbest site. secondbest as a band has gone through a lot of line-up changes in the past month or so, and we've basically started a new secondbest. our whole story will soon be up in the saga section, and hopefully i can complete the other sections in good time. if all continues to go so well, i plan on buying, something with easier access than an angelfire address. i don't think it's too expensive. take a look here. so, in other news, i think we hope to record this summer and play some shows. i know we've said it before, but the band definately has a chance to get off the ground now. well since it is presently 12:35 a.m. i am going to log off, but let me just tell you that this is in no way the final copy of the site. there are going to be a lot more pictures added, hopefully flash, and maybe i can make the site more interactive in some way. good night, all, and i hope you like the site.
x matt x