Fantasy Essay Darkness, the great unknown. Creatures silent stalking, felt but not seen. Looming objects in the pitch black night. Sticky tendrils of invisible web stretched across pathways remembered but unseen. Sounds of the night never heard in the light. Small scratchy noises of tiny creatures running about unseen. Things that go bump in the night. Scared of the dark? Ha! I’m not afraid of anything. I’m just cautious. I turn on all the lights in the house so I won’t run into any furniture. Never mind that I can close my eyes in the daytime and run though the house. The darkness is different. Yes there is a difference between not being able to see and choosing not to see. So, I’m seven years old. So what? I told you I’m not afraid of the dark. Wait a minute. Don’t turn out the lights! Ahhh! Now Chris, come on! Nothing's in the dark that isn’t there in the light. There are no such things as monsters. Don’t jump! That was just a creaky floorboard. Get back here! Why are you turning all the lights on? Do you think we own the electric company? I don’t understand why I have to escort you everywhere you go. What are you afraid of? When I was your age I was never scared of anything. What do you mean that’s not what you heard? Who told you? Mom! Are you telling him stories again?