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Randomness 101

My Least Favorite Things About That Staple Gun

Hello there! how's life?? mine is pretty great. anybody that has hung out with me for more than 2.3 minutes has noticed that i am very random. i enjoy it. it gets a laugh out of people. all thoguh sum people get pissed off when u randomly "squaler" them. Squalering is a classic, i love it. u just walk up to sumbody and chop there throat with your hand. and u have to say SQUALER or it's just not the same. oh yeah my name is Sam and sum people call me spam or spatch and some people call me stupid but it's all good. I'm a Junior in high school and loving every minute of it. i don't have a pic of me but i do have 10 fingers and 10 toes. i was born with a tail and i have no earlobes. if u are a girl and would like to date me to bad cuz i have an absolutely WONDERFUL amazing girlfirend and she rocks my world. oh and if u are anyone that has a really funny story about bein random then please send it to me cuz i would enjoy basking in your rays of happiness with u i'll write in this later...'s later now!! hi there kiddies! how's yer mother? hopefully gettin over that bad rash she had. gotta hate those diseased yard knomes! hah well well well another day is upon us. I hope that u have experienced many random things in the past few weeks. if not then i would like to express my deeep sentiments to the death of fun in yourlife ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... so this one time i was walking in the mall and i stopped at one of those carts to play with a remote control car and then the booth's like salesperson came up and was like hey yeah man thats a good one. and i (being the curtious person that i am) asked how much is this one and he said i'll give it to u now for 36 bucks and i was like well we have some more stuff to get but ill prolly stop back by here and to that he said "yeah come back buy here......i'll suprise you" in this really creepy tone of voice.... and it really weirded me out, anything like that every happen 2 u???i surely hope not. i mean what if i did come back what would the suprise be? him naked?? or like him with a knife threatening me to buy u just never know. it is Hickory Ridge Mall for goodnesssake!....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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