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Some Words


Here are some lyrics from our first album as a sample. There may be more lyrics posted in the future. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as we did writing them.

The Inner Light -Words: Max. Music: Luke.

The sun will shine again
No matter how it seems
The darkness of the den
Will dissipate in dreams

Soon you will see the world anew
The key to Heaven is inside you.

Limits Of The Ego -Words: Max. Music: Luke.

There will be no engagement
No arrangement of words
No division of thirds
There will be freedom

No classification
And no more limitation
No more names
The scales will be neither level nor uneven

There’s somewhere beyond the things we know
Beyond limits of ego
Beyond life and death
A place over the rainbow

To break through to the other side
To get, but not pursue
To just enjoy the ride
Without a care, but to be aware

To lose all hope
And all concerns
To let go of this rope
And not pray that it returns

A new dimension
Of divine intention
Get into the groove
Of being neither moved nor unmoved.

Greed Bleed Feed -Words: Max. Music: Luke.

Greed bleed feed exceed the need heed the call smash the wall or add on more than before
so no one will ever get over or through without a bulldozer crush the corporates the subordinates
are back to fight the mind attack defending mending sending the message loud and clear
there is nothing to fear we have all the power to make the fat cats cower and lower their defenses
stop all pretenses who are we kidding how much are we bidding for what should be free
now there’s a fee for breathing and leaving’s an option when life is one big auction
and a graveyard is a lively place when everyone’s face is symmetrical the same identical from one to the next
and it’s what everyone expects and not just looks but life they want you to conform get thee a wife
have offspring and be like him work like a slave and save
but why not just have fun and have your time in the sun do pursue and be true
to yourself and no one else or what they say live for today not tomorrow in sorrow because it never comes
time just runs away and each day is in itself an end so don’t pretend that we’ve got forever to get it all together
tonight try with all your might to stop time and you could be mine and put a new shine on my shoes
take away my blues my goal is to get back the time you stole from me the crime of the galaxy
jesus saves but mohammed’s free hell is to be here but heaven’s nowhere near where you want to be
what you want to see is dancing laughing having fun not this angel shit and the father son partnership
I couldn’t care less about that mess up there but I guess anywhere away from here is okay
I’m ready to go today or when I’ve had my say I want to shake things up before I’m done but at the same time have some fun
but it’s hard to live that way on groundhog day.

Don’t Forget the Kitchen Sink -Words: Max. Music: Luke.

Leave your soul at the door
You may be rich but you’ll always be poor
Where it matters, your soul’s in tatters
It can’t go on forever

Everyone wants more
Of the same, everyone wants money
Sweet as honey, but it always just runs out
And who can go without?

Green with envy
Green with lies
Green is the only colour that buys
Freedom for an hour
A false feeling of power
Stray from the flock and it’s a shock
To the system, try to resist them
And their carrots, don’t let them trick you with their ways
Of reason
Against this regime
I’d happily commit treason
It’ll never stop as long as you think
That a revolving door’s a ride
And try to sell the kitchen sink
There’s nowhere else to hide
But nothing here to show
Whatever lies inside

There’s no protection against this new dimension
Of financial cancer
Nothing can save us from the man-eating wallets

There’s nothing anymore
Nothing worth anything
And now we’re confronted
With a generation who don’t know what they’re living for

There is a mess to be cleaned up
A spill that, with a bit of luck
Will go away
If we make the effort today.

Refuelling -Words: Max. Music: Luke.

I wage war to get more but I just end up feeling sore
Do you ever wonder what all this is for?
Where do we get with all this running?
Faster and faster drumming

On the spot, marching
Throats and mouths parching
But no rest
At best, time to refuel
To refill stocks
So we forget we’re eating gruel
And pretend it’s lamb chops

Who are we kidding?
What are they bidding for a human soul these days?
Slaves come through in waves and are replaced as such
Nothing really matters much
As long as the machine keeps going
And the waves keep flowing.

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