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Welcome to the CGS "O & M 3"


web page

All of the folks bidding on the new O&M 3 jobs at CGS want you all to know all about them so you can evaluate them fairly.

They were kind enough to answer a questionair so you can get to know them.

Gerald wood

Turn ons:

Walks in the rain & jumping in mud puddles

The feeling of mud between my toes.

Riding my tractor with no clothes on.

Turn Offs:

Waking up in the mornings.

The smell of fresh flowers.

Bob Dick Wood.

Ethan Trickey

Turn ons:

Walks in the rain & jumping in mud puddles

The feeling of mud between my toes.

Riding my tractor with no clothes on.

Turn Offs:

Waking up in the mornings.

The smell of fresh flowers.

Bob Dick Wood.