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OPPI's Armor and Props Page

days 'til the release of STAR WARS EPISODE III

Hello! and welcome to my site. As an active member of the 501st Legion's MidWest Garrison and Michigan Squad I am often trooping throughout West Michigan and in other parts of the country with my fellow Bounty Hunters, Stormtroopers and other assorted 'scum and villany'.
The 501st Legion is the worlds formost Star Wars Fan/Costuming Club with 3000+ members, spanning all 50 states and 21 countries. Occasionally members of the Rebel Alliance Club will attend and it can get a little interesting.

The only price to join, is a Professional Grade Costume or better know to us as a UNIFORM.

We all choose ID numbers to keep us identified in the ever expanding empire, mine is BH-3388. The the 3388 is a play off one of Lucas' first films THX-1138. It also spells F-E-T-T on the telephone...

My Armor is a replica of the bounty hunter Jango Fett of the planet Kamino. As the Father of Boba Fett and genetic source of all the clonetroopers and stormtroopers Jango is a fierce and cunning warrior. Be sure to see the links below to check out a detailed walkthrough of my armor.

The armor in the photos above is my suit, it is a work in progress or WIP, meaning it is wearable but not completed yet. The upper body armor was all made from aircraft grade aluminum, it is very realistic and accurate and weighs very little. The belts and holsters are made from 8oz horse saddle leather and are also very realistic. The helmet has been changed to a much more accurate one, with a better paint job and a motorized rangefinder.
Below are links to some important homepages as well as the other areas of my website. These links will bring you to sites helpful in costume construction, prop building and fellow trooper sites


Jango Fett Armor in Detail
Image Galleries of Events
Prop Collection
Costume and Prop Building Links
The Star Wars Homepage
The 501st Legion Homepage
The 501st Legion's MidWest Garrison Hompage
Rebel Legion Homepage
