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Everybody!! It's Darkness!!

No it isn't me, but I like the picture because it's what I face everyday. Especially with the fro. Everyone just wants to touch it, I don't know why....
But anyway, this site isn't gonna be much, just an update into whats goin on in my life, an occasional joke or funny situation which involves me and I feel should be shared.
Other stuff I find interesting on the net will probably be put here because I know none of you search the internet like I do.....

Oh, and I apologize for the pop-ups you may get being here.... havin this shit up for free doesn't come without its downsides.

Real website stuff

OK, so this is where the shit about me is gonna be... I'll update this just about everyday so check here as much as you'd like to find out the crap about me I don't speak about. Plus things you probably don't need to know but I'll say anyway because that's what it's here for.

Here comes the randomness

In Ireland, they bomb cars.... In America, we drink 'em rob