Title: See Me
Author: Lilu
Rating: PG
Disclamer: The only SW things I have really used here are the words "Padawan" and "Anakin" But they belong to the almighty Gorge Lucas, who I hope won't sue fore I have no money.
Summary: Anakin wonders what Obi-Wan really sees.

Anakin's POV

Do you see me?
You know that I'm here of course. You talk to me, train me and
lecture me. But am I really more than an object to you? Something
that clutters up your living space? - Here a we have a chair and
over there a Padawan.
When you look at me, do you se "Anakin"?

Maybe it's because Anakin isn't worth noticing…
Maybe if I become somebody else, you will se me.
Somebody who doesn't cry at night, who doesn't have bad dreams.
Somebody who is in control.
Somebody who hasn't this burning ache in his heart.

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