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August 28th 2003:

Wow... A long time since I update... It's not like anyone actually checks this anyway, darn pop-ups... So I updated our matches page, our awsome ownage against team3k on train, and the replay of it... DL and watch it ;D !!

August 15th 2003:

I just added a screenshots page. If you want anything up there just email it to me.

August 13th 2003:

Wewt! Check out the matches page, Dice has won its first match! We went 10-2 T side, check out the matches page for a screenshot, and the demo from the game. GG to #clan-mayhem. Good luck in the remainder of the cal season.

August 11th 2003:

I got tired of messing with the website, so I took a day off, woo... Today I messed with the roster and also added a "matches" page. I'll be putting our CAL matches and other clan matches in there, and also a downloadable replay.

August 9th 2003:

I finally made a website for our clan, it sucks... But it works for what we need it too. I only know how to do HTML, so this will be a very basic site. Our first pre-season match will be against #clan-mayhem, We don't really know anything about them, besides the fact that their IRC channel is empty. The site is still under major construction, so expect many updates. Good luck to both teams!