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McNeill Clan, Gold Coast Edition

Welcome to the photo gallery of the newly formed McNeill Clan. Liam decided to join our world (right in the middle of dragonballZ...) at midnight on the 8th of May, 2002. Well, thats when labour started anyway. 6am, Amy gave our taxi driver to the hospital a lesson in language that a sailor would blush at, and at 10:52 am, he gave his first startled squeak. As if to say "MY GOD your hands are cold!". Since then, a month later, he's grown in leaps and bounds. Grown a massive 3cm in length, put on close to 1.2 kilos, and suffered through his first snotty nose. He's also one of the only children they can remember up at the maternity clinic who could freely able to hold his head up at less then a month old.. and at two weeks he could lift himself off his stomache onto all fours. (for about 2 seconds, before mum has to rescue him!) Mum and dad have grown a bit too. Suffered through his first cold (mum suffered more then Liam did), his inability to sleep for more then an hour without demanding cuddles, food, changing and more sleep, mummy mastitis, 7 hours worth of waiting in the A&E up at the hospital, and have not managed to execute each other at gunpoint - just yet.

All in all, mum and dad, although they've never been tireder, have also never felt this complete. We love our baby boy.

Time has past, Liam is now 4 months of age give or take a few days, he is still beautiful, still adorable and still the centre of our world but that isn't going to change anytime soon! He has had visits from both sets of grandparents and one aunt that loves him almost as much as us! He has his first tooth coming through a fact he has informed the entire neighbourhood of! Both mum and dad have had a bday, 22 and 21 years of age now aren't we old and grey! And as mature adult we want to thank everyone who has helped us through the tough times and there has been a few. The horrid pregnancy, the annoyingly painful labor and the first 3 months of liams life *laughs* thankyou all, who have been there on the other end of the phone at 3am and still helped instead of telling us where to go, you who turned up with baby clothes which were desperately needed and you who hugged us and told us it wouldn't last forever! Thankyou you mean the world to us!

The website for liam's photos 3 months plus are at this site

Amy and Liam, Liams about an hour old. 8 pounds, 11 Ounces, 50cm long and confused as hell :) Amy just had 10 hrs labor and surgery please keep that in mind!!

Heheheh Aww. The new family bond together =)

Blury but shows how HUGE his eyes are! Amy thinks they are so beautiful! They change colour day to day.. different shades of blue.

Evil MUMMY! Dad says Mum says: "Mine! All Mine!"

once again blury (wonderful camera work!) but how cute is he????!!!!

Mum wondering if that warmth was body heat, wee, spit up or a leaky nappy!

the ever so tough boys!

Liam, T plus 2 hours :) Good to see he's already figured out that the world is basically confusing. Mums fave photo ever!

Liam has spotted the little red light on the camera!

Dad is all decked out taking Liam to the shops! First walk. Totally Over Kitted. Day 1 after we got him home.

Sleepy time. No boob, so must be time to go to sleep. Typical male.

how cute is he? all dressed up and ready to go.. i even match the pram he says!

1st day back in hospital, back with masitius (not fun) and he's not happy!

blury again.. but adorable at the same time

blury again.. but adorable at the same time, so upset but so cute! He cries like his little heart is broken, and it makes you fall in love with him even more!

this expression is from Petes side of the family.. ;) nah its gorg and so is Pete but its an interesting piccie

goes well with the alien baby photo I have of tristan.. Liam makes some of the same faces its so freaky!

My two beautiful boys.. sitting and watching the tv enjoying their long weekend and some quality time together!

A sight that melts your heart.

Mum is the winner!! Amy has beaten the baby that was determined not to sleep!!

This was beautiful and of course being a new mum I have 5 photos of it! He actually pushed the button to make the music go again.. either that or he was trying to beat the crap out of the turtle due to the horrible music that came out of it before... not sure which! *lol*