People Mentioned
***Saturday Night Annihilation***
Damian Arcane,Lady Desyre,Manny,
Vistago and Asylum
Roleplay Name
Roleplay Number
Bearing Down
3 of 3
none yet

**Opening Scene**

The scene opens in a popular nightclub in the heart of the Bronx, New York. The cameras show the outside of Club Nights. A crowd has gathered as a line has formed that reaches around the corner of the club.Women are dressed scantily clad as the men look on. The cameras show a red ferrarri pull up in front of the club. A bouncer walks around the car and opens the door. Damian Arcane steps out of the ferrarri. He is dressed in a pair of black khakis and red dress shirt. He is smoking a cigar as he takes one last puff and tosses it into the street. The bouncer gestures for him to enter the club. He hands the bouncer the keys as he walks to the door of the club. He looks at the line and gestures for two beautiful, young ladies to join him. They walk up to him. One is a blonde that is wearing a black mini-shirt with a red shirt. The other is a brunette that is wearing a pair of blue jeans with a J.Lo shirt with the saying,'Sexy Bitch' on the shirt. They walk inside as the bouncer holds the door open. They step inside as it is a jam packed house.'Locked Up' by Styles P is playing in the background. Arcane walks through the crowd as people greet him. He talks to the ladies as he notices Manny standing guarding the steps to the VIP room. He talks to the ladies.

Arcane:"I will be right back. I got to take care of some business. You don't get lost now you hear."

They begin to laugh as he walk towards Manny, who is dressed in his usual attire.

Arcane:"Don't you have different suits?"

Manny:"I do. But I like this color. I have at least ten of the same suits."

Arcane:"Who's upstairs?"

Manny:"Vistago, Lady Desyre and Magnum are upstairs. There is also some big ass dude up there."

Arcane:"So he finally showed. It's about time."

He begins to walk up the steps as he reaches the door. He knocks on the door once. Vistago , who is also wearing his usual suit, opens the door. Arcane steps right in. He notices Magnum sitting in a leather couch. Magnum is wearing blue khakis with a white dress shirt. Lady Desyre is sitting next to him as she is wearing a strapless dress. She has her hair in a bun. She is stroking Magnum's head. Arcane looks to the left as he sees a massive gentlemen that is wearing a black leather coat with black pants. He has a mask that slightly covers his face. He is about six foot five and looks very angered. Arcane walks up to him.

Arcane:"About time you showed up, Asylum."

Asylum:"You kiddin me. I had a hard time returning to the states. I had to pay to get out of my contract. But I am here and from the looks of it. My timing has been nothing short but on the money."

Arcane:"I hear you. I actually wired the money to the JLWF. You got your money all back and intact."

Asylum:"Thanks alot, I need that dough to get started over here."

Arcane:"No problem."

Asylum:"Well after Riddick retired. I gave my word that I will return home to get the plot that we started way back to begin again."

Magnum:"Yeah, that is fucked up that Riddick got locked up again.He showed alot of promise in the UCWF when me and him beat Nathan Creed and Mark Dante in our debut as the Disciples. But things happen for a reason I guess."

Arcane:"I agree, Magz."

Asylum:"Well it's gonna take me some time to get my shit together."

Magnum:"It's just the beginning my friend. The tide is beginning to turn as the momentum is starting to gain ground. The ULW Annihilation brand will feel the shockwave that is beginning to gain force."

Desyre:"You ain't kiddin, baby. I love the things that are happening behind the scenes. Maybe, Mr. Blake Selters needs a visit from the desirable one, Lady Desyre."

Magnum:"One of these days, we will pay him a visit."

Arcane:"Any word from Hysterya?"

Magnum:"Nothing today. He told me he had some shit to take care of. But trust me, he will be returning my calls."

Desyre:"Well Kamille told me that he had to go somewhere with Ric Michaels."

Magnum:"Well we should get to the partying before we have to leave to go to that fucking dump in Charlotte, North Carolina.Fucking team gets to the Superbowl and those inbred bastards are gonna host the show this Saturday.This fuckers shouldn't even be allowed to witness the Machine at his best."

Arcane:"Vistago, tell those bitches out there to get their asses up here."

Vistago opens the door as he gestures to Manny. Manny turns around and points at the women who are now gathered among a group of other women.They all begin to go up the steps. Each practically more nude then the other.They enter the room and begin to dance with Asylum and Damian Arcane. One actually removes her top as she exposes her breast. The cameras fade to black.

**Later On That Night**

The scene re-opens in the VIP room in the Club Nights. The cameras show what is Asylum sitting in the corner with two topless women on his lap. Vistago and Manny standing by the door with two ladies conversating with them. Damian Arcane is seen on the love seat with the blonde woman from earlier in the evening. Magnum is seen sitting on the sofa with Lady Desyre with her head on his lap resting. He grabs the remote that is on a table right next to him. He presses the power button as he begins to channel surf.He runs into ULW Thursday Night Replay. He places the remote down as he reaches for the bottle of chardonay that is sitting next to him. He picks it up and takes a sip. He looks at Damian Arcane.

Magnum:"Sup man?"

Arcane:"Nothing much."

As he looks at the television, he listens to the host of the show as he begins to preview his match versus Knuckles as old footage is being used from Magnum's days in the UCWF and UWF. He then sees footage of Knuckles from his days in HSW. Magnum watches with utter interest as the man begins to talk.

Man:"Well folks, these two have been really going at eachother as they are each looking to win their debut match against eachother. Magnum comes into the ULW in a rather rough predicament as previous events have tainted him and he looks to repair the damage that he suffered. Knuckles enters the ULW from the HSW. He enters the ULW as he looks to continue his rising to stardom. But Magnum appears to be standing in his way to the top.What will happen when these two meet at Saturday Annihilation?Well we have footage of Knuckles that was aired earlier on today. Let's take a look."

The promo begins to air as Magnum strokes Lady Desyre's hair. He grins at each statement that Knuckles mentions. Magnum takes another drink as he continues to look on. Damian Arcane stands up as he highers the volume.He sits back down as the young lady begins to suck on his neck.Asylum listens as well.The promo continues as Damian Arcane begins to place a finger up as he seems to be counting.Magnum continues to drink as the promo last for about fifteen minutes. Magnum presses the button on the remote as he pauses the television.

Magnum:"This is the best thing about TIVO.How many times, Arcane?"

Arcane:"Well he used the word , well homosexual at least four times, but on countless occasions used alot of gay remarks."

Magnum:"Well Knuckles, do you feel good for yourself? Is that suppose to show that you disrespect me by calling me a fag and assuming that I live that type of lifestyle? I am surprised that you attacked me in that manner. For someone that seems to be well known and loved by the sorry ass people that are your fans,You would stoop to a low level that people in this business would expect those dumbass comments from, like me. But I know it takes a big man to call another man a homo.But at the sametime, you seemed to mention alot of things that you probably know first hand about. I mean it's kind of sick half the shit ya said.I mean, honestly, Knuckles, well makes me now wonder where you got the name from, but this is the kind shit that gets alot of sorry asses in trouble. People like you sit here and decide that they would make themselves look tough by using the word fag to try and prove that you are qoute, unqoute, a bigger man. But to me you just proved that you are a fucking moron like I stated before. You could talk all the crap and call someone a homo but are you doing it for certain reasons? Are you trying to conceal to the efed world your desire to experiment? Hell, Knucky, if you want to experiment, go right ahead. Because it is obvious to me from your promo that you fantasize about dressing like a woman with your knowledge of the make-up kit.You seem to have an urge to perform some sort of bestiality. I don't mean the Mortal Combat thing either. I mean listen to yourself speak. You seem to have a vast knowledge and interest in everything you spit out. It's kinda nerve racking about everything you stated. You seem to be fond of Arcane over here. What ya think Damian?"

Arcane:"Freak,huh?!Well I tied up a few chicks in my days, son. Hell when you were nothing but a tadpole in your daddies sack. I was banging chicks left and right. Hell kid, I might have had a turn on the old Momma Knuckle's train track."

Desyre:"Ain't that goin overboard, Arcane?"

Arcane:"Hold on he attacked me. I must admit that you are right Magnum. I mean he seems to have envisioned himself in these crazy ass predicaments. I mean's actually making me nautious thinking about what he said."

Magnum:"But yet, everytime he mentioned a homosexual remark or act, he was smiling half the time. Knuckles, you had my respect and I am sure even a bastard like me had boundaries that my sadistic ass wouldn't cross. You just made yourself look very stupid with the shit you said in your promo.Who's the one calling the other ugly?(Magnum and Arcane begin to laugh.)I apologize for laughing at you. It's just as a fan favorite, you seem rather ignorant and pretty much childish. But hey, it's ok if you are insecure with your sexuality that you need to feel like a man and walk around trying to degrade another man by calling him a fag. Hell, if it makes you feel good. Then go right ahead and do it."

Desyre:"I actually like the part when he said bathe in their blood."

Arcane:"You would."

Asylum:"This guy seems like a little immature bastard that needs for you to whip his ass."

Magnum:"It's funny though how he said that I stepped in thinking that I own the damn place.He keeps reminding himself of his past achievements. Do you need to remind yourself each time to try and build the confidence in that brain of yours? Maybe that mask is a tad too tight around your head.Enough already with the HSW and your xnet achievement. Maybe you were handed the title. But I guess we will never know. Which reminds me of something you said in a prior promo. You claimed that you got a world title match in your first match. It looks like to me that you were certainly on your way on becoming HSW World Paper Champion. I mean a real competitor would start from scratch. When I was in the UCWF. I refused any opportunities for world title shots. I rather earn them but it seems like you are very use to people handing you things. Not me, I start from the very pits of the bottom and bust my ass to rise to the top. I also heard something that brought great interest to me ears."

Magnum:"You want to be called a gangsta and a rapper from Scotland. These were your qoutes.{Sure, you can call me a gangster, a rapper, but in the ring I'm all business and I'm from Scotland. In Scotland, we don't use words like dawg, and all that on a regular basis but I do ... I'm changing how normality works.}You actually exposed something about yourself, Knuckles. You told the world that you are nothing but a wannabe. You want to be like we are here in the diversified culture that we live in. You want to act like you are some sort of gangsta. Hey, asshole, I am from Brooklyn and in my streets. People like you would get their asswhupped for pretending to be someone they are not. You forgot rock-n-roll and jumped on rap to try and show that you , once again, are tough. I bet Eminem really inspired you to become the wrestler you are today.It's all cool. We each are entitled to change and make pretend we are someone else. That's all good, Knucky. But let me remind you of something, the streets of Scotland don't even compare to the streets of Brooklyn and the Bronx. You want to act tough and show that you are some, what we would call, studio gangstas. Knuckles, get your head out of your ass."

Magnum:"So you think that I am a retard. That's funny, Knuckles. You honestly have outdone yourself. You have proven to the ULW that you are nothing but a homo-phobe that is also a wannabe. You can question my intelligence all you want. Even though after your current promo, people will be wondering what the fuck were you thinking about?But at the same time, it's actually entertaining to me.Because now you have put yourself in a rather ackward situation. You continue to use the same routine. This is what I have summarized as your promo."

Magnum:" men.........faggot........idiot.....and so on and so on."

Desyre:"Sounds to me like he had a rough time responding to you."

Magnum:"Well that is rather obvious. Couldn't come up with much to attack me on so you decide to use a homosexual remark to attack me in a way that is beyond me. Here I was thinking that I was gonna face a man that had the fans behind him as is suppossedly the man that the fans hope defeats the Machine. But yet ,without even knowing it. You possibly attack some fans of yours that may live that lifestyle. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut and let you keep putting your foot in your mouth."

He grabs the bottle and finishes it ashe tosses it against the wall. He looks at the camera.

Magnum:"You know, you are probably right that no one is scared of me. But to be honest, Knucky, I rather have it like that. Because a scared prey is an easy kill. I like the ones that show no fear and will fight back when cornered and will do it's best to fight before it gets killed. Maybe even staves off the predator until another day. But I can see it in your eyes as the tension builds and the second guessing begins. Damn, can I beat him begins to swirl around that head of yours?"

Magnum:"My cronies? I guess you are talking about 'The Mastermind Himself' Damian Arcane. My two bodyguards, Manny and Vistago, are the other two. Then last but not least, 'The Temptress Herself' Lady Desyre. They never make excuses for my ring disappointments. But at the sametime, do not use them is you lose at Annihilation."

Magnum:"Knuckles, you can walk around the ULW proclaiming to be some great that proudly wore a title in other places. You can question my intelligence and seem to get yourself all fucked up by comments that are far , dumber than anything I have previously ever stated.You can talk about climbing imaginary ladders. Well you are on my playground and that ladder you are climbing belongs to me. You will be the one looking up and completely wondering if you made a critical mistake by joining the ULW. I could just imagine what you were pondering in that head of yours. I was a top dog in the HSW. I know I will be the same in the ULW and dominate. Then you looked on the card as it was posted in the locker rooms and thought to yourself. I am wrestling Magnum. Why that should be rather easy? Then when you finally realized who Magnum really is. You woke up and said to yourself. I better get my A-game going because my B-game won't cut it.You as I entered the ULW to go up against the best the business has to possibly offer. We both want the samething. To reach the pinnacle of Annihilation and capture that prestigious ULW Annihilation World Championship.Well I will simply cut your chances short. Because I will use this victory as a jump start to the pay per view that is around the corner. I will defeat you as the momentun will carry me into a possible wearer of the world title.Knuckles, I have craved for this moment. For far too long, I have had opportunies slip away. I have a great chance next week. But this week , I will face you and give you my best. I am not too sure about the meaning of the walk in the park deal about me insulting your stupd ass fans. You know what makes it great. They could boo the shit out of me. But they dumbfucks apy my contract.You can light all the fires you want because the only thing that is gonna get torched is yourself. You are gonna get burnt and left unrecognizable.I will grab the mic and tell your fans to shut the fuck up and look at their hero laying in the middle of the ring. Now this could be during the match or after the match but I will give you my all and expect nothing less from you. This is the wake up call and you will get woken the fuck up as you witness the unleashed power of Magnum. By the way, what kind of plant are you? A daisy or a tulip, just curious.But in closing, I must say that I learned alot about you in this promo. You should definitely seek some psychiatric help to combat your homophobia.Because you got issues that need counseling. But maybe wait after Annihilation, you may be in the hospital anyway."

Magnum takes a momentary pause as he sneezes.

Magnum:"Knuckles, what will you say differently in your next promo?Will you once again rely on homosexual remarks to make your promo look tough? Will you, yet once again, bring up your past achievements? I mean I am really growing tired of it.It's like a broken record. I will be all ears when it comes to listening to your next promo. I bet you actually change the tone of your speaking in the next promo. But it would be okay if you think it helps your confidence with the homo sexual remarks, then go for it little trooper. Because all the talking is over in my eyes. The shit begins now. What has been said on my part is all said and done with. Now the realization that one of us may lose at Annihilation actually drives me do my best. Knuckles, like I said before. The pressure is on you. Either prove that you are what you say you are. Or disappoint everyone at Charlotte that looks up to you. Because if I see a sad look on the face of some kid out there. I will laugh my ass off and yell at him that his hero is nothing but a failure to the business and that he should pretty much tell you to go fuck yourself.See you in a few day, Knuckles. The match is soon and I will be there."

The cameras fade back as Magnum gets up and the whole entourage walks out of the room. Asylum is the last to leave as he turns to the camera and grins at it.

****Cameras Fade To Black****


Damian Arcane

Lady Desyre

Manny & Vistago