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MAEANDTRE Storytime!!!

This site..

hello children my name is mae. my partner tre is the co-creator of this site and we aim to please. on this site we are going to post many beautiful stories as soon as i can figure out how this mother fucking site works. its under contstruction but here is a preview of whats to come!- one silly day..and i call this a silly day for many reasons- 1 reason being because this was the day i had to visit my grandpa ned, and he is very silly indeed. the second reason being that it was raining and rain is silly... well one silly day i was walkin in the park when i passed a squirrel who was beatin up another squirrel..this really pissed me off so i transformed myself into a very fat squrrel and taught the other two a lesson i caught one squirrel by the ear (there was actually a gang of 3 beatin up on 1) and pulled him to the ground..then i ran up the nearest tree and belly flopped on the one whos ear i just pulled, he cried like a baby the other 2 squirrels ran away at the site of my fatness and i just stood there and laughed...this added to the silliesness of the day because laughing is indeed very silly. i love mountain dew... My pants were falling down and i was like no dont fall down so i left the room even tho i was outside and i changed my pants to some nice squirrel pants... cuz im a really fat squirrel and i have special needs i decided to go round these parts to find out where those 2 rebel teenager squirrels went... first i found this ugly thing named Kagina and i was like ey whered those rebel teenager squirrels go and she said in a very manly voice... "i dont kno you best be getting on out of these parts because youre not well liked and youre fat"so i took the liberty of breaking her neck with a quick snap of the wrist and crack went the head.... whoops then i went over to this guy named cheewongda and he was plain ol frightened of me and he just dropped his drawers and shit on the floor... he was useless then i just went out and looked for the rascals and found them outside the local nut factory eating up wrinkly used nuts i then got out my .23 and shot the fuckers into oblivion then i went back home and changed back into a human and laughed it all off cuz it was just so silly what had just happened. much love -mae and tre