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Here are a list of defined words that you may have found in your reading in other pages.

Asylum 1 : an inviolable place of refuge and protection giving shelter to criminals and debtors

2 : a place of retreat and security

3 a : the protection or inviolability afforded by an asylum b : protection from arrest and extradition given especially to political refugees by a nation or by an embassy or other agency enjoying diplomatic immunity

4 : an institution for the care of the destitute or sick and especially the insane

Diplomatic Immunity exemption from taxation or normal processes of law that is offered to diplomatic personnel in a foreign country

Dual Citizenship a person is a citizen of two countries at the same time.

Expatriation 1 : to withdraw (oneself) from residence in or allegiance to one's native country

2 : to leave one's native country to live elsewhere; also : to renounce allegiance to one's native country

Green Card An identity card attesting the permanent resident status of an alien in the U.S.

Illegal Aliens a non-U.S. citizen who has entered the United States illegally, i.e., without proper documentation and without complying with legally required U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) procedures.

Jus Sanguinis A rule that a child's citizenship is determined by its parents' citizenship

Jus Soli A rule that the citizenship of a child is determined by the place of its birth

Naturalization 1 : to introduce into common use or into the vernacular

2 : to bring into conformity with nature

3 : to confer the rights of a national on; especially : to admit to citizenship

4 : to cause (as a plant) to become established as if native intransitive senses : to become established as if native

Refugee One that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution

Visa 1 : an endorsement made on a passport by the proper authorities denoting that it has been examined and that the bearer may proceed

2 : a signature of formal approval by a superior upon a document

* Definitions were found in the Merriam- Webster Dictionary, except for Diplomatic Immunity, Duel Citizenship, and Illegal Aliens. Diplomatic Immunity was found at ; Duel Citizenship was located at ; and illegal alien was found at .
