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On the 8th day, God created Roy. Then on the 9th day, God realized his mistake and made Hasek.



Random Cloutier Insult of the Day

Omni Scout

How is this insulting Cloutier? Because Cloutier will never be as good as Hasek. Ever. And I mean ever.






Internet Hockey Database



Kitsilano Farm League

Linden = Mr. Canuck

Just thought you should all know that.

Top 50



Top 50The Farm is Back Baby! 11/28/2003


Well folks, that's right, the farm is back. Newly simmed with over like 30 games methinks. I haven't simmed yet, as I will do that after. Just wanted to make sure my HMTL editor program worked. And it did. So before I go crazy putting Worlds of Warcraft pictures all over the site, or brag about my hockey wins over Morgan, ie. Henrik Sedin tying up the game with 7 seconds left in the game about 2 months ago, I will instead go sim the games and update the site. Hurrah. After that I will have regular updates, try and make the site prettier, and have some recaps here and then.

Edit: I lied. It takes to much time to sim them up to the same spot KHL is, I am about 10-15 games short, I will spread those remaining games out over the next 2 days. Angelfire only lets you upload 10 games at a time, and like I know how to upload things via other means. Yay computer skills!


And in other big news, the Canucks picked up today the farms leading assist man in Kiril Koltsov. More firepower for the Moose baby!

Top 50

Quick Hilights of the Night 19/07/03


Some quick notes on tonights action. The Mini-Thangs take top spot on the farms, for now, as they beat the recently struggling Dirty Ruutus, as Joff Lupul comes through again for the Thangs, getting 2 goals to help the Thangs grab the easy 4-1 victory. McLean has been struggling in net for the Dirty Rut's, leaving many to wonder how long he will last in the starter role on the farm, especially when Manny Legace is chomping at the bit to get some playing time. Sadly, the Dirty Rut's would still do better then the current pro Canucks roster has done all year. I hate you Cloutier.

In other news, the Giants and Moose win again, making the race for top spot in the KFL a close one, as Sylvain Lefebvre pots two goals in for the Giants, helping his team to a 5-2 victory over the hapless Jets, whose goaltenders just can't seem to win a game for their team. The Moose, lead by Captain Dackner, seemed boosted by the threats of the Wild Thangs, and rolled over the Flames, whose team has been devestated by a lack of depth on it's farm roster, and not to mention it's pro roster. The vaunted top line of the Moose did it's job again potting 7 points, as the Moose seemed intent upon meeting the Mini-Thangs on a winning streak. In other news, Flames captain Brian Sutherby was recently called up to the pro-team, leaving the hapless Flames with even less of a chance to win then ever before.

Also tonight, the Super Happy Fun blah blah blah team got a surprising upset win over the high flying Brockets, 6-3, as Mark Bell came up with a HUGE night, netting 4 points as he his team coasted to a win over the Brockets. Lowry also had 3 points in the night, which is good for him, as he dies a slow death on the farms and will never make the pro roster as long as he lives.

And lastly, the Dominators won in one of the highest scoring games of the night 8-1 over the Playaz, as Wyatt Smith, go Wyatt, had 3 points, but that was overshadowed by rookie sensation Rick Nash's four point night, a sure thing for the pro team next year. Once the Dominators farm team gets in gear, watch out, as they are one of the most talented young teams in the KFL, which is a nice thing considering the lack of success the pro team has had so far. GM Gary couldn't be reached for comment about his farm teams output on the night, but he was heard mumbling something along the lines of "goddamn Millwood, I am going to kill him.....what do farms matter anyways......I hate the least my pro-team doesn't have Cloutier in net......go Kerr go....go Kerr go...go Kerr go....." A faint smell of alcohol was also detected on GM Gary's breath.

Wait, one more recap, the Jets, lead by superstar in the making Greg Adams 6th goal of the year, finally get a win, this time a 4-1 decision of the Violators. When asked why no GM's had picked up this scoring phenom Greg Adams earlier, Adams had this to say. "I am 38 years old. My right hip hurts in the cold. I can't see too well out of my right eye. I am old. So very old.....please kill me....I don't want to play anymore....." GM Morgan was quick to whisk Adams away stating "we can't have our 19 year old superstars staying out too late and talking to the media all night now can we? We are accepting trades for this young phenom as soon as possible though." and ran into an awaiting black van. Adams seemed to put up a fight, but he was quickly hit with a bat and subdued, but the bat was what Morgan described as a "Happy Soothing Love Stick" and that no one was harmed.


Player of the Night: Rick Nash. He is showing why he will one day be a dominant force in the KHL.

Top 50 Up and Running.....Kind of....... 8/07/03

The date: July 15th, Wednesday 2003.

The place: My house

The game: The Phillies (My team) vs The Houston Astros (Gary's team)

So Gary comes over to play some baseball, and basically have a nice relaxing day of watching the baseball all-star game and playing the updated World Series Baseball game (He only has a Dreamcast, and is therefor stuck in the year 2002 for every game. Ask him how a sports player did in 2003 and he just gets a blank look in his eyes and doesn't comprehend what you are saying). So we start our first game, the Jays (me) vs the Mariners (him), our favorite teams. My team is rated 10 points worse overall, but I have played 2K3 and Gary hadn't, so it evened it out a bit. Still, Gary's rookie hands at 2K3 showed through as I won the first game in a tight affair, 3-1. Go Halladay! The next game, I believe I won around 8-2, or 6-1, another win for me and the Jays. I was pretty confident, and believed I was unstoppable at this point. Then we go to Seattle for the 3rd game of the series, and the score is at 5-5 in like the 8th inning, and here I am still thinking I am the god of World Series 2K3. Then BAM! Gary gets 4 runs, via a grand slam or a bunch of annoying hits, I don't remember, as I was too shocked at what had happened. I started panicking, and swinging at shitty shitty pitches that were painted to the corners by that asshole Moyer, and I ended up losing. Just a little flaw I think, I just got too lazy. That's all. Game four starts, and I switched teams, believing the 10 points in OV to be my downfall, and believing that Gary had a good enough hold of the game for us to try new teams. So I go to the Red Sox, having told G how unstoppable I would be one Pedro and Nomar were on my team, and how he was going down. He picks the DiamonBacks to counter Pedro, but I laugh to myself as I think he won't have enough hitting to take me on. Here's where my first rant comes in. In World Series 2K3, a batter has a square that shows how good he cant hit the ball in certain areas. 9 small squares divided this big square up, and a square can either be red (good at hitting the ball there), blue (bad at hitting ball there) or clear (neutral). Add to this, the batting icon you use, can be range from pathetically small, to Ichiro large. What do I find out when I start playing? All the Red Sox have NO red areas, many many blue areas, and the DiamnondBacks are pumped full of red areas, and have large batting icons. Then Pedro starts throwing around shitty pitches, and Randy Johnson decides to make me his personal bitch, and BAM I lose like 12-0, or 18-0, with me only getting 3 pathetic hits. Die Nomar, Die Pedro! So, with the anger still running through me, I run to the Giants, and pray that Bonds will come through for me, while Gary runs to the Dodgers, laughing as he now has the 2-0 winning streak. But BAM! I start the 1st inning and run the score to 8-0, finalized by Barry Bonds hitting a 3 run homerun to make my point, as I jump up and down pumping my fist at the TV. (Me and Gary would often pump our fists and yell at the TV during this night of baseball, it seemed to help us). Gary's team starts choking like the Dodgers usually do, and he quits in the third giving me the win. I don't know if we played another game before THE GAME, but if we did, I will assume I won. (On a sidenote, World Series Basbeball, otherwise known as crack, was played during the commercial breaks of the Baseball All-Star game. Imagine heroin addicts clutching at free handouts of drugs, and that's what we were like holding our controllers waiting for the innings to tend so we could rush through a 3 minutes inning). Finally, G decides he must go, but not before one game is played. THE GAME. So I decide to pick the Phillies and G decides to pick the Astros. (Another sidenote, I almost didn't pick the Phillies, which would have made THE GAME never happen, as I saw all the right handed hitters in my lineup, and was scared of Gary destroying them all with his right handed pitchers, but luckily the Astros were full of righties as well, so I picked them anyways, in their 1970 retro pajama uniforms to boot.) So we start the game, and I get lazy, and start swinging at the shitty sliders and curves G is prone to use, and all of a sudden the bases are loaded. Millwood, otherwise known as GOD, gets me out this situation, and I am relieved. Once again, I am pretty sure I went down 3 straight in the second inning as I once agian was not patient and got beat up by G's controlled pitching. Then in the second the bases get loaded again, I think, either way, the end result being Gary gets a 5-0 lead, and I am having bad visions of having to leave the night on this horrible loss. My team is still playing like crap, when Kevin Millwood comes to the plate, and I get this idea. If I can just hit a homerun with my pitcher, then I won't care if I lose, because I will have the demoralizing fact my pitcher got a homerun off of Gary. So I step up to the plate, and powerswing one, and I foul it. I powerswing again, and I foul it again. I now give up on my homerun idea and just go for the backup demoralizing plan of just getting a hit off of Gary with my pitcher when THE HOMERUN happens. Millwood hits a blooper to right field, and Gary, lauging at me, dives out to make an awesome catch and rub it in my face.....but NO! the ball goes over his right fielder and bounces into the corner! Millwood sees this and chugs to second base! G's rightfielder runs to the corner, but he is slow, and Millwood not so slow! Millwood runs to third, and now the rightfielder has the ball and he throws it at home with Gary screaming "Noooooooooooooooooooooooo" and Millwood chugs to home and slides across the plate for the inside the park homerun! I once again institute the pumping of the fist and screaming at the TV and laugh at my coup. G shakes his head, but remains calm as he dreams of shutting me down with his 100 OV closer. But something's changed. My team wakes up. They begin to rally around Millwood. After a couple innings I make it 5-2. Then Millwood has a chance to be a hero again, with 2 men on base....but he chokes and pops up into the outfield. But I don't give up, I know Millwood has more in him. The game continues, and it gets to 5-3, me slowly chipping away at the lead. My memory of this is hazy, as I was too pumped on adrenaline to remember it all correctly, though I am sure G knows it all and will correct me, but Millwood once again comes to the plate....I try the homerun play again, but it doesn't work....but he does get a hit. Yet another blooper to the outfield just out of the reach of his fielders lands in, and Millwood gets on base. Then, in the 8th inning, it's 5-4, and I am freaking out, as I want this win. By this time, Millwood has done all one man can do, having gotten 11 strikeouts through 7 innings, and THE HOMERUN, but yet once more, a pitcher comes through for me. I don't know his name, because it isn't Millwood, but again my pitcher gets on base. Then, Jeff Kent, a man who had homered earlier in the game, starts two of his errors in the game. I hit a shot into the outfield with 2 outs, and it looks like an easy out to end the inning, but when the field sends the ball into second for the easy tag out.....Kent doesn't tag. He stands up and stares at the man running to home. With visions of getting the guy at the plate out and looking like a hero, Kent stares down home....but with all his visions of sending the ball home, he doesn't throw in until after my guy runs past homeplate, tying the game. Gary because then screaming about the stupid controls and wondering what the hell Kent is smoking, as Kent just allowed the game to be tied up. The 9th inning rolls along, and it's still all tied up. Then, in the 10th, I get a run up, and I don't remember how, but I believe I hit a shot to the outfield and my guy ran in from second, nothing dramatic, but enough to get me once again pumping my fist and screaming, as I got the hit off the 100 OV reliever. But now it comes down to the bottom of the 10th, with Gary set up to bat with his big batters coming to the plate, Kent amongst them. The first batter gets to first, and I start sweating. Obviously my pitcher sucks, so I send in another one. Then once again Kent makes another fatal error. Kent hits a grounder up the left side, but my shortstop grabs it and sends it to second, and my 2nd baseman sends it to first for the double play, but it's too late.......until Kent keeps running. Jeff Kent runs past first base, and walks right into my firstbaseman, tagging himself out. Kent once again comes through for me, and once again leaves Gary wondering if it is possible to shoot Kent in the videogame. I am screaming with delight, and with the last batter, Gary sends a grounder to my shortstop, whom I throw the ball to first for the easy out, thus ending the best damn baseball game I have ever played. Millwood, you rule. Kent, you the man. If I had recorded this game, I would keep it forever. But since I didn't, I will have to keep it alive through my badly remembered written version. :)


Top 50 Charlies Angel 2

Yeah, this movie blows. Please don't waste your money on it like I did. :(


Top 50 Position Changes


Just in case you were wondering, all players can change their position at any time, free of charge in the KFL, except no one can go from forward to defence. So if you want your 3 best farm players on your top line, feel free to e-mail me what positions you want your guys to be.
Top 50 League Files!

Yeah, it was surprisingly easy to get league files in place. See what you can learn from reading the source codes of websites? Not KHL website mind you, as Morgan is a whore and has some weird nav bar thing going on that interfears with me from seeing how stuff is done. I had to use, my other league to find out how to do it. Shame on you Morgan.


Top 50 HASEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The man is back people. I had to put his picture on here at least twice to celebrate his return.

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