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What You've Been Waiting For

The critically acclaimed Josh Project EP is finally available. Get your's now.

"...just's the biggest thing to hit the music scene since Vanilla Ice..."
-Rolling Stone

Nude on Nitro

Click here for a full-sized view.

Wilcofilm Philly Premeires, Info Here

The band Wilco, with the April release of their masterpiece album "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot," recieved critical acclaim, the album hailed by some as "the best album of the century," and also had the best selling album of their career. But that is only part of the amazing story, and with the documentary film "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart," director Sam Jones takes you behind the scenes of the making of "YHF."

The Philadelphia premiere was attended by both Tom and Matt, and their reviews can be found here.

Who Needs The X Games

It was recently brought to our attention that local neighborhood personality Josh Vallely had a special talent. This talent consisted of performing "tailgrabs" from various heights without the use of a skateboard. We decided to investigate, and Josh agreed to demonstrate his amazing skill to us utilizing a flight of concrete steps. The following sequence shows the results of the demonstration. His performance of this feat left us asking ourselves just one question; Who needs the X Games when there is Josh?

Check the photos section for a full-sized view of the pictures.

"No Shirt, No Shoes, No X Games"

Click here for some Xtreme photos from the X Games.

William Shatner

Help save a legend.

On July 8 we went to World Wrestling Entertainment "RAW' at the First Union Center. It was definitly a sight to see. The highlight of the night was when RVD hit a "Van-Terminator", a move where he climbs to the top of the turnbuckle with a steel chair and jumps off, puts the chair in front of his foot while in mid-air, and kicks it into another guy who is on the complete opposite side of the ring. Its hard to see, but one of the pictures shows the "Van-Terminator" in action. Another highlight was watching Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair, two men who are somewhat legendary in the world of wrestling. Other occurences that night included me leaving my keys in the car door, and then upon our return some drunk lady who parked next to me showed me where she had put them and said I was lucky, "he didn't steal your car." (referring to one of the men who was with her) She then thought she had said something hysterical and started laughing. After that we headed to Pat's, where I had one of the best cheesesteaks I have ever eaten in my life. Thats basically what went down. You can see some of the pictures we took at RAW in the photos section or by clicking here.