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Piccies from my 21st Birthday Party, 26th July 2003

Before the party started, Amy was around helping to set up.
After we'd set up all we could, we played shithead with Luke.
I took Amy to the station at 6, as she had to go to a concert. When I got back, there were people sprawled all though our lounge room! Here's Scotty, being extremely social on one of the chairs.
This is Shell, Florence and Shaun, three budding cavers.
Here we have Andrew, Kuan, Mike, Long Seng and Nick eating food.
This is Julie, Long Seng and Tina
Tegan and Scotty
Luke, Pete, Chris and Josh
Amanda, Eva, Hugh and Susie
Kuan, Scotty and Shaun
Amanda being a cock-head :)
THe BBQ area, with Julie and Tegan in the foreground.
Our wonderful chef's, Chris and Pete.
Rifat doing his usual thing.
Rifat and me doing Rifat's usual thing.
A pretty nice photo of Tim.
People eating. This photo was taken upside down for some strange reason.
The back of Tim and Tina
Tim with a light-sabre
Candelling the cake
People standing around for cake
The Cake
The cake with a sparlker
Susie with a sparkler
Dave with a sparkler with my camera set on a really long exposure time
Dave with a sparkler and a werid look on his face.
Amanda and Hugh
Rifat with Dave's helmet on
Tina trying to reclaim her shoes from Paul and Tim.
The last few people to leave.
A really bad shot of the last few people to leave.