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Java Specs font web Welcome to GTR7's website. Please check out the diffrent sections. All are welcome here. If you're a RPG Maker or an expert at Starcraft I'm sure you'll find great stuff here! GT mostly updates the site but R7 is a big help as far as the structure of the clan goes. Below are the most rescent updates, check the archives if you want to see a history of the website. Anyways, if you have any questions email GT at or R7 at


MasterGT - October 26, 2002
- Wow! Major Update. Changed the colors, changed the menu bar, everything! Gonna email inactive members and stuff like that. Also got a new roster thing to try out, look for it soon.

MasterGT - September 2, 2002
- I added alot today. I got the forums up, the guestbook, the RM2K section, updated the New Members Packet, and sent out the first newsletter! More to come. Later.

MasterGT - August 14, 2002
- This is the official start of the site. I put all links up except for the RPG Maker 2000 stuff. Those will be up soon though. We already have some members so I hope that will keep up. Anyways, catch ya later.