Not Caring...(except about food)...

This is our wicked fucking awesome website!

Hey everyone. My name is Melissa and I'm 18. I'm a freshman at Philadelphia University. I'm from Northern California, the bay area (San Francisco for those who don't know). I'm an architecture major but i don't know what i want to do with my life. Maybe aerospace engineering, maybe fashion design. I love classic rock...Pink Floyd, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix -just to name a few. My best friend in the world is Hallie, she is my precious!. I love all my friends to death... I love old cars, old clothes, old music, and old movies. HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY BRITTIE, I LOVE YOU! name is Michelle and I'm Mel's roomate at PhilaU. I'm also studying Architecture. I turned 18 in September, but somehow I still feel 17. I love my New England/Boston hardcore...Blood For Blood, Toxic Narcotic, Terror, Slapshot, etc... So any of you motherfuckers who want to listen to some hella fucking crazy ass-kicking bands, come to a show with me. I also love Johnny Depp...what a hottie. But the greatest movie of all times for me is a recent discovery of 'The Boondock Saints'. Yea, fuck yea...

Our hearts go out to Justin Worthington. He is stationed in Najaf, Iraq (last Melissa heard anyway). Be safe and come home soon...we love you and we miss you.
We party it up in Philly and have hella fun doing stupid shit. We don't like wankers who think their penis is the shit...because it's really not at all. Our final thought: "Food is yummy, especially boxes of italian ices for just 0.99, and free 2-liter bottles of Mountain Dew."

Stupid Times:

~"Hey, Spencer...we should call your car Joseph!...because it's stalin!" -Dave (about Spencer's car)
~"What the duce?" -the PhilaU crew, taken from Family Guy
~"Slut, slut, slut..." -Mel and Michelle (about Sean)
~"What do you do at the nun place?" -Michelle
~"Sign up, sign up, sign up..." -Mel and Michelle (to remind us to sign up for something)
~"ararararararar..." -Mel and Michelle (attempting to say 'our RA')
~"Jesus drank!" -Cameron
~"Let's go commando, to hide!" -Michelle "It's incognito!" -Melissa
~"You know what that makes me think of? women shitting!" -Danny
~"He's a female Michelle!" -Michelle (about Danny)
~"The Phillies are playing against the Floridelphia...Florida...what is the other team called? Marlins!" -Michelle
~"I'm not lost, i'm just on auto-pilot." -Melissa

A rediculously long list of kickass sites:

Michelle's Xanga

Melissa's Xanga

New England Music

Rodent Popsicle Records

Bridg Nine Records

Philadelphia University

Freakishly Real Weekly Horoscopes

L is for Link | Rhymes with Stink
1-16 INCHES14
Quiz created with MemeGen!

...check out our wicked hella awesome slideshow!...

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