Moody Road
The Story: The story is back in the horse and buggy days, two brothers were out for a ride. One brother fell off and the wheel decapitated him. The light is the lantern of the other brother looking for the head. The brother is with his lantern passing one row at a time in the corn. If you go when the corn is down, you will see a light come towards you. If the corn is up (the best time to go) you see the orange/red glow from the lantern at the end of a row. It will move through the row of corn and you can see the light above the corn. It's slowly moves to the end of the row and back to the start of the row. Then it will move up one more rows. You can watch the light come closer and closer one row at a time. What you are supposed to do is drive down the lane, turn around and drive back down it, turn your car around, park it and flash your lights three times and then shut them off. Then you will see the light cross the road.
Another Story: This guy was in the mafia and people were looking to kill him. It was his daughter's birthday and she wanted to go out and have fun with her friends. Her father didn't want her to go but he let her anyway. The story says that he told her to flash the light three times and he would come and get her. That way he knows it isn't the mafia that is coming to kill him. Now, if you go to the road and flash your brights three times, drive down to the end of the road, turn around, and flash your lights three times again he will come out and look for you. There will be an outline of a man in a old robe walking with a lantern swinging back and forth, and the light goes from orange to red to yellow and veers off into the cornfield.
Location: Division Road and Meridian Road in either Francesville or Rensselaer (it's kind of in between the two towns) in Indiana.
Directions: The easiest way to go there is to go South on Highway 49. Go until Highway 49 ends, it will be about 25 miles (from Valparaiso) or so depending where you get on. Once Highway 49 ends you will be at a stop sign turn west (right) onto Highway 14 and go for a mile. You will come to 100 W, turn south (left) on 100 W. Go for a mile until you come to Division Rd. Turn East (left) on Division Rd.. Go for a mile and you will come across Meridian Rd. If you look at Mapquest or any other type of internet map they show Meridian at a four way intersection. That's just an error because it's really only a three way intersection. Anyway that's the intersection your looking for.
We visited Moody Road on April 11, 2003. It was 50 degrees outside with clear skies and quite breezy. We really had know idea what this light was going to look like. We had never seen a picture of it and the stories that we had heard is that it chases you and it moves from side to side. So we started off at the intersection of Meridian and Division facing South. We flashed our lights three times and drove the 1.5 miles down to the end of Meridian. We turned around and found this tree stump (it was hard to find, especially at night, it's right past the tree that is still there on the same side). We parked at the tree stump and flashed our lights three times again. Then we looked North and we saw this orangish light. It looked like a street light. And we thought it could be except it would go away and then come back every so often. The light would go from orange to red and from big to small. It never got any closer or any farther away from where it was at. Thinking ahead and being smart (like always) we brought a pair of binoculars to get a closer view of the light. When we looked though the binoculars we could see three different lights. Then it would be four, then sometimes it would be two or one and then sometimes nothing. When we didn't use the binoculars the three or four lights look like one single light, just brighter. People have said that the light is just lights from the cars going down Highway 49 (since Highway 49 is a about two miles almost directly north of Meridian Road) and some have even said it's swamp gas. We drove down to the end of Meridian so we could get the best look at the light. It still seemed to be pretty far away. Since that was as far as the road went we got the best picture we could of the light. We still have know idea what causes this light. We are pretty sure that it isn't a ghost, but other than that we really have know idea. We might have to go back there and find out the real cause of the light.
You can see the small orange light in the middle of the picture. The light is really about four times as big as what it looks like in the picture.
A close up of the light.
If you would like to comment on our picture of Moody's Light or have a story about it, let us know in The Forum.