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Gravity Hill

The Story: At 1016 county line road if you stop at that mailbox put you vehicle in neutral and you will be pushed uphill. Some look for "reasonable" explanations, but it is also rumored that in the 1930's a school  bus full of young children was hit by a train and they were killed. Now their ghosts push you to the train tracks but you never make it all the way up the hill. The tracks were torn down in the 60's, but the ghost still push you.

Location: 1016 County Line Road Westville, Indiana

Directions: It all depends on where you are coming from.  You can either take Highway 6 or Highway 20 to County Line Road.  Once on County Line Road you want to head towards the bridge that goes over the toll road.  The mailbox for 1016 is just south of the bridge and is on the west side of the road.  You want your car to face to the north and you will climb up what looks to be a hill.

We made our visit to Gravity Hill on October 13, 2004.  It was about 5:00 on a cloudy day with temperatures in the high 50's.  Once we found the mailbox we noticed that sure enough, the road looked uphill.  We had some doubts about whether this would really work or not.  We stopped the car facing north and put it in neutral.  Some how it was going up the hill.  It wasn't moving at a blazing fast speed, but it was moving.  However, we didn't get too far before a car would come flying up behind us forcing us to pull into someone's driveway.  We tried about 5 times, each time we made it a hundred feet or so before someone would come up behind us.  

To solve whether the road is really uphill we brought a level with us.  So we parked in some guys driveway and took out the level.  We set it in the road and it read that it was downhill towards the bridge, the opposite of what your eyes tell you.  It seems impossible to believe that the road is downhill.  So probably the road has nothing to do with ghosts pushing you up a hill, since it's not even a hill.  The road is worth checking out if you're in the area.


This picture is from the driveway of 1016 looking north.  It's hard to tell
from the picture but when you're there it definitely looks uphill.


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