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Oh! A Visitor! How Exciting!

Once upon a time, a child was born in a manger fulfulling prophecies from years before. About 29 or so years later, He traveled the nations, teaching mortal men a new way of living. Free from the Old Law, some followed, some scorned, but nobody took Him lightly. Not only did He teach but He healed the sick and cast out demons. He broke the boundaries of human culture and released the oppressed from their chains of doubt. He died on a cross so that mere humans could gain eternal life without having to pay the sinners price, death. Three days later He rose from the dead. He returned into Heaven soon after, promising to return for His followers on Earth before the End. 2,000 years later, we are here. His followers. This site is dedicated to the Saints of God. We just started this site up so it may be prone to change. For now, enjoy what little is here and keep coming back as we will continue to update this! Thanks!

Things That Will Soon Be Here!

Keep Coming Back! We Will Have More Soon!

Answers to KILLER Questions!!!!!