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/V^^^V\ PITBULL /V^^^V\
{Late after noon in the lobby of the hotel, people are busy coming, going, and checking in for their rooms. Everything is like it is every day in a hectic peaceful sort of way. The door is opened by the door man and in walks PitBull. He sticks out like a sore thumb dressed in his black jeans and leather jacket among the typical upper class that stay there. A few rich old ladies see PitBull enter and watch him, in there minds they think he is either here to work or to rob the place. Pit sees the look of mix of horror and shock on their face and he just grins as he passes. He loves the reaction of fear he gets from people where ever he goes. He looks around and sees he is watched by other people, by now he doesn't care what they think. So much on his mind, mainly of his tat match. Shockwave says he likes him, but in what way. For all he knows he could be a closet pole smoker. Either way he knows not who he is dealing with. A man who only cares about the green and spilling blood. He would gladly open Shockwave open like a melon if he wanted. But for now he will go along with it, let him sit atop is frail throne. For now Pit is having way to much fun messing with the mind of Damien Black. Letting him think he was weaker then he is was the best joke every. That will leaving them fighting at half strength while Pit over whelm the both of them. When he score the pin fall on either one, he's going to give Damien a reminder of who he's facing against for the PPV. Damien has never felt pain before like he plans to deliver.
Pit's thoughts were put on hold for the time being as he stepped up to the counter. A middle age balding man stood in his way of the the manager. Pit didn't feel like waiting and grabbed the man throwing him to the floor, the manager stared in shock at PitBull. Pit removed his shades and glared at him, daring him to try anything at this moment. The manager looked down at the middle age man as two bell boys helped him up. Looking back Pit, he studdered trying to talk.}

Manager: M-m-may I h-h-help you?

PitBull: Any messages?

Manager: Just one...

PitBull: Well?

Manager: Some one called.... a man..... h-he didn't leave his name. He just said he would be in contact with you.

PitBull: Hmm.... good. Well I'm going up to my room and I don't want to be bothered. GOT IT!

Manager: Yes sir. And good luck on your match, I'm sure you will give win over Damien.

{Pit stops cold in his tracks and turns around to face the manager. A look of pure anger can be seen in his eyes as the manager knows he said something wrong. Pit returns to the counter leaning over it getting into his face. The manager fears for his life not being much of a violent man, it looks like he might wet him self any moment.}

PitBull: What did you say!

Manager: Nothing.


Manager: I....

PitBull: There's a camera here isn't there. I SAID NO CAMERAS!

{Pit moves away from the manager and starts searching the lobby for where a camera might be hiding. The place stop at his out cries and are now just watching him. Pit tears threw plants and checks behind sofas, when his search turns up empty he kicks over a plant and storms on off to his room. The manager watches in till he is out of site then faints.}