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~†~ Race ~†~

5th Generation Toreador

~†~ Age ~†~

Unbeknownst to herself

~†~ Family/Clan ~†~

Cataclysm was once part of the Alagen Tribe. But as you'll read in her history, she was unfortunately exiled and soon taken in under the wings of Cemetery Storm. And so she now has a prosperous life within the confinments of the Storm family.

~†~ Weapons/Magic ~†~

Cataclysm carries a series of spikes adorned through out her attire. Not to mention her two trusty daggers, -Fatal- and -Twisted-. Each of the dagger's tips has been permanently tainted with the blood of a Unicorn which is said to be one of the most powerful poisons around. Next in line would be Cat's broad, diamond bladed sword, -Nefarious-. This sword has been through many a battles and will continue to serve it's purpose as long as Cat lives.

As Time Goes On The Life And History Of Cataclysm Storm Will Be Revealed...Please Stay Tuned.