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Ruckus Central

Mark is a Hippy
Man, I'm So High
Last Updated: 8/4/2003

The Word On The Streets

      It's been 2 months and 28 days, but here is the update you've all been waiting for...

      Anyway, I've been having a good summer. A busy one, but a good one. Wait. First of all, you're probably wondering what that is a picture of. Well Mark used to have really long hair, like as long as a badger tail. But he was going to Hawaii and he didn't want long black locks, as they would obviously cause discomfort in the hot pacific air. So I took the liberty of cutting his long filthy hair and making it nice and pretty again. Well it wasn't long and filthy, and it certainly wasn't un-pretty, but, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I cut it. While cutting it, he decided to take some of the fallen locks and fashion a hippy beard out of them. The fraudulent facial hair coupled with the tie-dye appearance of the towel around his shoulders made this photograph look as though Mark was not a kid with short hair from East Windsor, Ct., but rather a pot-smoking and acid-dropping hippy from Burlington, Vt. Well back to my summer. I've taken up a lot of new hobbies, including betting on cock fights, smoking heroin, and (my personal favorite) lobbying for the extermination of homosexual Catholic priests. Okay actually I don't bet on cock fights or smoke heroin. But I have been busy this summer. That of course is a major reason that the site hasn't been updated in so long. Another reason, which at this point is no longer an issue, is that it sucks dialing-up to do anything on Al Gore's internet. But as of last week, I now have high-speed cable internet access, courtesy of the Cox© High Speed Internet Man! He came to my house and hooked me up. Actually all that lazy bastard did was remove the so-called "data filter" from the outlet on the street where the cable comes into my house. Me and Jimbo (well mostly Jimbo, cause I was in Maryland) installed the cable ourselves and saved literally like $400 on costs. So look for a lot more updates.

      So here is what I've been up to: work, and lots of it. I work for the Dzen Brother's Company (which is actually just my cousin's farm). My duties include first and formost the delivery of various berries and farm-related commodities; clerking duties at the Dzen Garden Market in Ellington, Ct.; and general farm work. Generally speaking, my days consist of getting up at 7am, driving around with a truck full of blueberries, supplying the local grocers and farmstands with fresh fruit for their daily sales. I then retire to lunch (usually at the local Blimpie© or occasionally at home) and return to the farm to finish up any other wholesaling business deliveries. In the evening, I make my way to the garden market to man the cash register and to serve ice cream to any miscreants who happen to find their way in. My job fuckin' rules. I don't really have a boss. I get paid to drive around and listen to music. I get free stuff, like strawberries, raspberries, corn, bananas, ice cream, and best of all, blueberries.

      When I'm not working, I'm usually playing baseball, eating, or sleeping. Other times you might find me on vacation. For example, I've been to Vermont for two weekends out of the 9 or so that have transpired since the commencement of the summer season. Another weekend was spent camping at Burlingame State Park in Charlestown, RI, which was a campy time enjoyed with Lynn, Mark, Katie, Matty and Kev Kreiser, and of course Jen Halliday. Last week, I travelled to the good old state of Maryland to spend some time in Ocean City with Lynn Osborn and her family. One day, we travled south along U.S. Route 13, across the Chesapeake Bay to the state of Virginia. We then attended the 2003 Vans Warped Tour, a jolly good show, graced by the presence of such bands as Brand New, Yellowcard, Coheed & Cambria, AFI, Mest and Less Than Jake. However, many argue that the highlight of the trip came on my way home, when I took a detour through Pennsylvania and found myself in the town of Warfordsburg, which, despite it's silly name, is a fireworks mecca. I purchased approximately 47 pounds of class C explosives for myself and others. I then transported it home, unfortunately having to drive through the state of New Jersey. I fucking hate that state. One time, I was on Interstate 287, and I really had to piss. So I noticed that the next exit had both a Mobil and a McDonald's, so I figured between the two of them, at least one would have a public restroom. Well I get off the exit, and there are a million fuckin' cars on this stupid road, which is divided by a median. Well I find out that the Mobil is 1.3 miles away and the McDonald's is 1.7 miles away. I decided to go to Micky D's just because I knew it would definitely have a bathroom. Then I found out it was on the left side of this stupid divided road and there were no left-hand turns anywhere. I had to go 2 1/2 miles down the stupid road and take a right then do a loop around and then take a left back on to the main road. And there was so much traffic!! I fucking hate that state.

      Anyway, I will leave you with that information for now. I will bring you more updates very soon, including some Kreiserisms. If you want some phatty tracks to blast on your boombox, check out the songs of the week for some really good ones. Speaking of music, on August 11th, I'm going to Guilford, New Hampster for a music festival that will showcase performances by three bands that I love, albeit three bands that, as far as I can see, have nothing in common about their music. Those three bands are 311, O.A.R. and Something Corporate. I will let you know how it was. Also, I will be putting up a mullet page for all the pics I have taken recently, which are a lot. Digital cameras rule.
     That is it for now, make sure to check out the other pages for updates!

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