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Scotty Fast Asleep
Scotty, Taking A Nap
Last Updated: 5/7/2003

      Above you can see Scotty sleeping soundly on his visibly un-cluttered bed. For some reason, he is extra organized and likes to keep everything close at hand. He has a special stacking system, much akin to the famed Dewey Decimal System employed by librarians everywhere. He uses this special filing method to keep close tabs on all his possessions. You may think that it's kind of messy, but you must keep in mind that you have no knowledge on Scotty's secret trick to stay so neat.

      Anyway, this week's update is more of a revamping of the Kreiserisms section of the site. Sadly, there will be no more bargains of the week. However, there is something new in its stead and I promise it will be full of hilarity, just like those weekly thrifty buys. You see, Matty has graduated from being a cheap bastard and has become, well, more of a trancendental kind of person. You will see. Make sure you check it out. Also, I left the collages on this front page (just scroll down) along with the dope-ass rhyme I made if you haven't gotten a chance to see it yet. But they'll be gone next week as I do a full update. And there is a new song of the week if you are sick of listening to the same old stuff. Peace, and see you in the Cape.

Freshman And Sophomore Year
Freshman And Sophomore Year

Junior And Senior Year
Junior And Senior Year

The Word On The Streets

yo yo yo
the end is finally here
into the world we will all go
with ignorance and fear

of course you know that is a lie
i can't wait to leave this place
the real world for me is like a treat
from which i cannot wait to taste

let me tell you how i feel
about these four long years
please pay attention all of you
(jenn) wait to cry your tears

freshman year, so long ago
it seems but just a dream
rooming with the sarge and gak
at times it made me scream

we moved the sarge's bed and stuff
into the suite one night
he came back drunk and terrified
and tried to start a fight

sophomore year was chapter two
mayhaps the funnest of them all
home run derby, water fights
crazy d in the bathroom stall

scotty lost his dorm room
and crazy d moved in
man i really miss it sometimes
that basement suite in flynn

so now we move to junior year
in the lovely sheehan hall
we spent our time locked in our room
or playing wiffle ball

one night there was a little chase
between scott and crazy d
dave fell down and hurt himself
his pinky was a Z

so here we are in senior year
with but a week or two to go
i hope this epic poem has served
as a good ending to the show

this year there wasn't wiffle ball
and no derby made me ill
but matty, me and pally-d
all utilized the grill

a final verse or two i'll write
before i say goodbye
jenn kerner if you're reading this
i hope i made you cry

four years at stonehill finally end
now memories we'll share
someday we'll get back together
i hope to see you there

      Well graduation is almost upon me and for some reason, I don't feel any smarter, older, or more qualified to work a crappy job that will make me hate my life. I haven't gotten a diploma yet, and maybe something will click inside me when I do, but I'm not really counting on it. Sometimes I wonder exactly what a college degree really means, other than either a. someone you know had enough money to put you through these four years or b. you worked your ass off enough to get someone to give you money for these four years. Right now I'm at a point in my life where I'm not really sure what I want to do. Actually, I've felt that way ever since my dad's friend asked me when I was about 6 years old, "Paul, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Honestly, the only honest answer I could ever give, and still could ever give, is this: a baseball player or a rock star. Yes it soundss corny and far-fetched but that is the truth. I'm not really counting on being a big-leaguer. It'd be nice but I'm not holding my breath. Being in a band is something I have a little more control over and sometimes I really feel I have the drive to do it. Hopefully I can start a good band this summer and have some motivation and some commitment and go somewhere. Failing that, it looks like I'm either headed to the University of Vermont to study Environmental Engineering or I'm going to try and get my teacher certification to maybe teach (at least for a few years) before I go back to school. Part of me just wants to stop taking classes and start getting some money together and get started on life.
      Well sorry if this has turned into a journal of sorts but I just thought you all might want to know where my life is headed. Or at least get an idea about it, cause I certainly don't know. Anyway, lemme tell you about the last couple of weeks. It's been a while since I've updated the page. And if you know me, you know that I've been busy with projects and labs and tons and tons of homework. Wait, not me, Matty. I haven't really done anything. I've done a lot of putting-off, a lot of helicoptering, and a lot of eating, but no webpaging. I've got all the Scrubs episodes now, and almost all of the Ben Folds (Five) songs. (If you haven't been able to tell from my away messages and Songs Of The Week lately, I've been on an h-core Ben Folds kick.)
      What else has happened? I'll be honest. Not much. As for the future of the website, I will continue to bring you stories about calamity and chaos, and just ruckus in general. Someday when I get some more money and some more computers, I'm going to register and run it off my own server. But that is for a future date. I will be the most powerful man on the internet! Muwahahahahahahaha!! (Besides, of course, for Al Gore.)
      Well that is it for now. Check out the new Song Of The Week to hear a really great tune. Check out my page over the summer for good updates, I promise not to let you down. Goodbye.
     That is it for now, make sure to check out the other pages for updates!

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