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The Men Of The Ship
Land Ho!
Last Updated: 2/25/2003

The Pool Total Now Stands At:
Pauly Matty
64 50
(This information is updated every 20 minutes.)
The Chess Total Now Stands At:
Pauly Matty Stalemates Drawrs
3 2 1 0
(This information, on the other hand, is updated every 30 minutes.)

The Word On The Streets

      The above picture was taken on the front deck of a ship. In the picture is Matty, the navigator of the ship, and Pally, the captain of the ship. You see, Matty has just sited land. He is relaying what he sees to Pally, so Pally can determine the best course of action.

      On this particular journey, Capt. Pally is attempting to steer clear of the Island of the Kern, where fierce peanut-like creatures await the capsizing of any ship unfortunate to come too close to the rocky shores. Any flesh that these "Kerners", as they are called, come into contact with, is quickly and viciously consumed. So as you can tell, it was of prime significance that the S.S. Hoover (Capt. Pally and Matty's ship) did not land on the wrong island.

      Well lo and behold, due to some poor navigating, it turned out that the S.S. Hoover did find itself pushed upon the shores of the Island of the Kern. Much to the dismay of the passengers, the Kerners quickly made their way on board. Many were killed in a frenzy of fingernail scratches and tiny peanut-sized bites. But the always intrepid Capt. Pally came up with a plan. He told Matty to grab the last bag of fried chicken. They ran into the ship's pantry and got hold of the satchel of tasty, crispy poultry. They then proceded to empty the bag off the side of the ship. (You see, in a large sailing vessel, it is necessary to dock off-shore a ways so that the bottom of the ship does not scrape on the bottom of the ocean and break apart. So they were still about 100 yards off-shore.) Much in the manner of lemmings running off a cliff, all the Kerners jumped aimlessly into the water after the fried chicken, each and every one plummeting to their death.

      So once again, Capt. Pally saved the day with a little help from his trusty navigator Matty. Luckily when Matty got home, he was able to find a great bargain to make his dangerous journey worthwhile. The Captain, on the other hand, just relaxed and listened to the two songs of the week, as he was very happy for the duality of them. Enjoy.

     That is it for now, make sure to check out the other pages for updates!

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