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The Stream Down The Street
This Result of Cold Weather
Last Updated: 1/20/2004

The Word On The Streets

      Hello my faithful million, and happy new year. Regular new year that is, as Chinese new year is not until next month. Rest assure, however, that there will be much celebrating and fireworking at that time. But for now I am content to say happy regular new year.

      Well first off, I have a new geek box. I purchased computing components from several locations on Al Gore's internet. The total purchase was on the order of $300, but a bulk of it was covered by Christmas money intended for that sole purpose. Speaking of Christmas, I had a great one. I got a table saw so I can fulfill my lifelong dream of being a carpenter. (I happened to get the same table saw that Matty wished to purchase last year, bring to our dorm room, cut wood to make a table, and then return for a full refund.) I got money towards a pool table, which Jimmy and I invested in for the tidy sum of 900 american dollars. We got pimpin' blue felt so we feel cool when we suck at pool. I got some random stuff, like people always do at Christmas, such as a Chia herb garden, a less than jake t-shirt (courtesy of Elorac414), the Incubus DVD I wanted, and this outfit (courtesy of Ashz122):
Dr. Aseltine

In case you can't tell, the doctor in this picture is me. I'm wearing scrubs that say Scrubs on them and I am listening to my own heart beat with my stethoscope (aka my headphones). According to my diagnosis, I'm dead. It also says Scrubs on the ass. I would have taken a picture of that but I don't think Al Gore allows such lewd material on his internet. Also, this is what our Christmas tree looked like:
O Christmas Tree

      Anyway, about my new geek box. It's way faster than my old one and I have a lot more space on it so I can have more dumb pictures and more mp3's that I don't listen to. Also, never order anything from ever. It was a nightmare. I tried to buy a motherboard from them (For those of you who aren't nerds the motherboard is the part of the computer that everything goes into, like your processor, the hard drive, the CD drive, the memory, and all the various connections like sound and network.) but the one I wanted was on backorder. So they emailed me to tell me that they were willing to sell me a comparable one for only $5 more, and they would include a free cell phone. Well I decided to look into this cell phone offer, only to be told that it was not a cell phone, but a cell phone booster antenna. So I got pissed off that they lied and told them to cram it when the Indian at the other end of the line told me to hold on. (Everyone who works at this company is from Bombay and I can't understand a damn thing they say and they can't understand anything I say. You will understand more of this as the story goes on.) So he came back on the line and told me that he talked to his supervisor and they would give me the new motherboard for the same price as the old one and sorry for the misunderstanding about the cell phone. So I decided to take it. Well the motherboard finally comes (meanwhile I have all the other parts and I'm just waiting for this one dumb piece to put it all together) and it is much crappier than the one that I wanted and none of my components will work in it. So now I have to send this stupid thing back to the jerks that I ordered it from at a reduced price (because of "restocking fees" which really means "we don't want this piece of shit fees") and I also have to pay for shipping. So then I go online and try to find the one I originally wanted. offers it at the lowest price but I don't want to deal with those assholes again so I tried ordering it from two other places, at a higher price - which I'm willing to pay only because you can actually measure the inconvenience of dealing with jerky Indians in dollars. One place didn't pick up the phone and the other place didn't have it in stock either. So stupid me places a new order with I think everything is okay until I get a cell-phone call while at the outlets of Wrentham, Massachusetts. It was an Indian calling because my billing address didn't match my shipping address. (I have my billing address as PO Box 264 and my shipping address as 16 highland ave because they can't ship to PO Boxes.) So I told him to ship it to PO Box 264 / 16 highland ave so it will match my billing address and they can still ship it. Three days later I still haven't received a shipping confirmation so I call them up and they ask for my address again, thinking that I live in Vroad Vrook, VT instead of Broad Brook, CT. Then the NEXT day I get a phone call saying that the part was on backorder and that they would like to offer me a comparable part for only $5 more. So I once again told them to cram it and to cancel my order. Well 4 hours later, I get a phone call telling me that the part is on backorder. So I asked them how a cancelled part could be backordered and I also told them, again, that I cancelled my order and that I didn't want any of their stupid shit. Then I wrote them a mean email and they never responded. Sorry for the long story, I just wanted to make sure that none of you ever order anything from because they are jerks.

      After Christmas there wasn't too much excitement. I went to Boston, Massachusetts for the new year celebration and saw a variety of spectacles, including a crazy trampoline kid from Danielson, Connecticut (not to be confused with Daniel-sahn, Mr. Miagi) who pumped his fist like an audience member of the Arsenio Hall show everytime he did a trick on the trampoline. Here is what Fanuiel Hall looked like all lit up with spotlights behind it:

      In cold weather news, the last two weeks have been the coldest in decades. I've seen more chicken cows than I had ever seen in my life, and one even broke a glass. It also stabbed me in the ass. The picture at the top of the page is the stream down the street from my house. I took that pic when it was really cold, before it got really really cold, at which point the waterfall was completely frozen over.

      In My Brother's Gross Hairdo News, Jimmy had his hair braided by Ashley a few weeks ago and this is what he looked like:
I Wish I Was In Korn

Then he took the rubber bands out of the braids and went to sleep. He woke up looking like this:
Nevermind, Korn Sucks

      In recently read book news, I recently read The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, both by John Steinbeck. He is my new favorite author and I can't wait to read more books. I think you should all read these books then help me overthrow the goverment. One is short and one is really long. But not in that order.

      In crazy internet scheme news, I am attempting to sell a gingerbread house on Well I was all ready to submit my listing when I found out I had to pay $90 just to have it show up on their website. I wasn't about to do that but I am starting a donation collection to get the money to do it because I think it would be hilarious. So if you are interested in doing it, any amount of money would help. You can either give me money in person or send me money via paypal to I know none of you bums will give me any money but I thought it might be worth a try. Here is the picture of the house and the description I plan to put on
Hansel and Gretel Live Here

     "This is a gingerbread house. It is rather small, but is made from the finest gingerbread, candy, and frosting available. It was constructed with love. It has a gumdrop-lined walkway to a front door trimmed with other gumdrops. The roof is covered with an elaborate lattice of mini m&m's, and there is a gumdrop bush and 2 life savers palm trees in the front yard. the chimney on the back of the house was made by the finest mason in candyland using cherry twizzlers. There are permanent icicles (yes, even in the summer time) hanging from the eaves on all four sides of the house. There are two windows on the front, with gumdrop shutters and two on each side. The side windows are unfortunatley shutterless. There is a candy cane at each corner of the house for extra minty goodness."

      In Friend of the Week news, this week's friend is Mark Kovalcek. Mark has been one of my best friends since I first met him my senior year in high school. He has the most imaginative mind of anyone I've ever met and is better at ad libbing a song than that black guy on Whose Line Is It Anyway? I think his name is Wayne something...but time, Mark fell asleep on my bed. This is what he looked like:
Is he dead or alive?
As you can see, he looks like a corpse, so I thought he was dead. But then I realized he was just in a very deep sleep - a hibernation if you will. So I let him be, and he didn't wake up for years! He was like Rip van Winkle (or Rumplestiltskin if you ask Jimmy). Eventually he woke up, and since he couldn't shave, he had a beard. See below:
Too Bad He Didn't Shave
He was finally able to shave though and now he looks normal again. You can always IM Mark if you put starpunk1010 on your buddy list. If you'd like to email him, just drop a line to Tell him you like all the fake names he's come up with.
     That is it for now, make sure to check out the other pages for updates!

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