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Warnings: Cross dressing, character bashing? All in a day's work, ne?
Disclaimer: All standard disclaimers apply; I don't own either Diadem or Gundam Wing.
Pairings: none? yet?. (I *will* stick at least shonen ai in here somewhere?.)

*** Crossover with Diadem by John Peel ***

The Diadem holds us together with thin threads.
If the Diadem dies, we follow its path through death.
Now it is in danger.
And only the chosen three can save us.

Book 1 : The Book of Magic

By: Kearin Maxwell

~*Chapter 2*~


The Shadows, pleased with their capture of the first chosen one. Made their way once more towards another planet. Yet this was not just any planet, this was a very special place. For not only did it home the second chosen one? It was very much like Earth, yet compared to Earth, it was still in the past, about the time of Kings and Queens, of princes and princesses, and of knights, warriors, and dragons of legends.

Here they'd find the second chosen one. Here in the castle below them would they find him.


Wufei stomped through the castle to his chambers. How dare his father marry him off to a girl like that! Much less that whiny little girl, Meiran! [1+2]

Well, he refused to go along with his father on this one.

Wufei finally reached his chambers, throwing open the door with anger and closing it loudly. Everyone in the castle knew of Wufei's moods, and for that tiny little fact no one would even try to approach him until a day or two later.

Wufei didn't care at all. He liked having time to himself, and it allowed him to have time to sneak around and create an alternate persona. One of a girl's image. [1]

The reason being that his kingdom was famous for having some of the best female fighters in the country. Yet, he as the crown prince, wasn't allowed to even pick up a sword whose purpose was for more than just decorating the walls of the corridors. It had angered him countless times before, just how dense and close-minded his father was could be. His father's excuse for him being forbidden to fight, was that he as the next King was to always be kept safe, and the possibility of his being injured during lessons was too great a chance to take. Wufei had always considered his idea stupid and weak and had held tightly to his belief that he as the next King *should* be taught to fight, even if just for self-defense.

Thus, Wufei wanted nothing more than to fight. Preferable not among females, yet he had no choice since his father years ago had discharged all the male guards. Now an entire female army protected the castle. Most of them trained in more than one art of combat.

Yet, as Wufei thought about his marriage soon to come, panic overcame him. 'If I'm married, I shall no longer have any way of escaping to fight. I shall be stuck at her side forever.' The thought soon angered him even further, and he found himself searching under his bed for his chest of clothing, so he could become Nataku once more and hopefully get the anger out of his system and under control.

He quickly dressed himself in the uniform of the traing girls in the castle. Once he finished he loked in the mirror in his chamber and let him hair down.

'There, now to any one else, I look like all the other females here.'


Master O was currently showing his newest arrival how to properly hold her rapier, when the chamber door to the Training Hall Slammed open. Without even turning, he knew that it was Wufei, or should he saw 'Nataku'. And taking how hard he threw the door into consideration? He was pissed. His father must have told him the news then? Sighing, he turned to face Wufei, who had managed to startle him being less than a foot away.

"Nataku, what a pleasure to see you up and about?"

"I had some free time and was hoping to get a couple of sparring lessons?"

Master O himself knew that Wufei had merely come to get rid of some of his anger at his father. Oh well, there'd be quite an amount of injuries today? He didn't really care, it *did* improve Wufei's skill and he had *a lot* of potential. His father was a very stupid man for not allowing him to fight.

Sighing he told Wufei to go ahead and spar, but to watch what he was doing. He didn't want him killing anyone.

Just as he told Wufei. The room grew quiet and in walked Meiran.

'Fuck? There just went my last chance at a bloodless fight, one of them's going to get hurt and it won't be Wufei? Yet there's some fun irony in this, Meiran thinks she's superior to Wufei in combat? I'd love to see her face when she finds out? Yet she's indirectly the reason of Wufei's anger and he's not about to go easy on her? Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?'



I just wanted to say to those of you who thought I was crazy or made a mistake on the planets? I *KNOW* what I'm DOING! ^.^ Calomir sounds very similar to Calibur so I switched Ordin with Calomir. I just thought Calomir would look better as the name of the world stuck in the past?. It's my fic, and I'll do what I want?

Yet I wanted to apologize for making Trowa so cold on the last pieces of Chapter 3? I didn't do that intentionally? well.. maybe.. but? anou? Ok I did. *runs from rabid Trowa lovers*

I also cut out a lot of stuff in this chapter and even managed to add in junk, which wasn't necessary? oh well. People please review? cuz lately I've gotten the feeling that no one likes this story anymore?

~*Other Notes*~

[1] *laughing* Sorry, I'm a complete Wu-chan lover, but this was a wonderful opportunity that I just couldn't pass up! ^^ For all of you who have read the series? I'm switching Helaine's role? I also added a lot of stuff in there to make Wufei's cross dressing sound rational? Which I'm convinced I royally screwed up. Gomen minna. I'm working faithfully on getting our beloved 3rd chosen one's chapter up?

[***] I happen to like Meiran a lot, it's just that I needed her to be a brat, and there is a few scenes in the manga which prove her to be quite a big one. So my apologies to all the Meiran fans, I didn't want to use her like this, but I didn't want to make up a new character. I already have enough in here? Besides, she'll only be in at the most 2 parts of the story. So I can't make her too evil.

Greyn: And when are you going to get back to work on BBA?

Kearin: Um? Never?

Greyn: No, when?

Kearin: When I finish this serie? and finish all my other fics that are currently dormant?

Greyn: *starts twitching* You'll never finish that?.

Kearin: *grins evilly* I know?.

Greyn: *smacks her on the head* Baka?

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